
Mar 19, 2011 21:34

things that i most probably will never finish D:

khuntoria, cafe!au
nichkhun realises that after the twenty-sixth time he's been to this tiny, run-down cafe on the outskirts of seoul for a latte and that little pink pastry, thank you! that he's kind of turned into a stalker.

it's not his fault the girl behind the counter has these huge, dark eyes that blink up at him from under thick lashes, and has the most adorable heavily accented korean ever (he knows it's rich coming from him, but he's spent five years in the country working on not sounding like a foreigner, so he'll take credit when it's due).

nichkhun's never been completely smooth and suave with the ladies. despite his gentle manners and ridiculously good looks that are marred by the lack of grooming of his eyebrows (wooyoung's words, not his), he's never been the one to initiate the uh, courting process.

so when he enters this dingy little cafe for shelter during a horrendous thunderstorm, nichkhun doesn't know exactly what to do when a pretty, pretty girl (she couldn't possibly be korean, they don't make girls like that over here) with the longest legs he's ever seen asks if he needs a towel and maybe something to warm up, unnie!

he simply splutters and nods, pretending he's just shivering from the cold. the girl beams (oh, she had a pretty smile too) before handing him three towels and bustling away in the small kitchen to whip up a quick and delicious mapo tofu stew.

song qian (victoria, she reminds him, she's trying to get used to her korean name) hails from a small province in china nichkhun forgets the name of, and is attempting to juggle dance classes, working part-time in a cafe and generally trying to learn not to mix up genders in korean. she chatters on in cheerful, stilted sentences, and nichkhun can barely understand through her thick accent, but she's so earnest and goddamn adorable that he laughs anyway.

he doesn't realise the storm was over until victoria points it out in awkward phrasing, stopped rain, unnie!

nichkhun merely stares at her and laughs.


khuntoria, guitar-playing
she likes watching him play the guitar.

the way his hair falls in his eyes as he bends his head down, trying to concentrate. his tongue flicking out of the corner of his mouth whenever there's a particularly difficult chord. he looks so wonderfully, perfectly adorable that victoria doesn't know what she's ever done to deserve something so precious.

nichkhun catches her staring after a while, eyes curving into crescent moons as she flushes a bright red.

"do i look that cool when i'm playing?" he asks teasingly, but his eyes are soft and sincere.

victoria laughs lightly, pretending her heart isn't fluttering under his gaze. she'll never get used to the way he looks at her (like she's his sun, his air, like she is everything he needs to live).

"no, pabo. you look like a little boy trying to look cool" she giggles at the shocked expression on his face.

"my fangirls would beg to differ" he replies snootily, but he puts down his guitar and tugs at her hand anyway.

victoria lets herself fall into his lap, fingertips resting on his chest. she sighs, brushing gently against his furrowed brow. nichkhun leans into her touch, closing his eyes.

"you look tired, appa" she whispers gently, pressing butterfly kisses at his jawline.

nichkhun simply pulls her closer, resting his forehead against hers.

"i am," he says matter-of-factly. "but it's doesn't feel so bad when i'm with you"


taemin/suzy, oppa
sueji remembers the first time she saw taemin.

she's just squealed her lungs out at super junior (their new concpet was so good!) when the debut of some new group called sparkly or shiny is announced and the fresh-faced, adorable maknae with a dubious haircut (who has a bowlcut past the age of seven?) appears on screen.

something inside sueji flutters and she almost wishes she's the noona they're singing about.

she registers on their fancafe the moment they finish the performance and regularly trawls through forums even when she becomes a JYP trainee.

minyoung-unnie laughs at her infatuation with SHINee's taemin and cooes maybe when we debut you can finally fulfill your nasty little fantasies when we run into SHINee at music bank!

sueji blushes and slaps the older girl, but doesn't deny anything.

they do debut, and sueji now has get used to being called suzy, but she doesn't really mind it because taemin is talking to her and calling her name and oh god he's kind of glorious, isn't he?

"suzy from miss A, right? you were really good out there. i really like your song!"

sueji is momentarily blinded by the sheer oh-my-god factor that it SHINee's taemin, the boy she's had life-size posters hanging up in her old room, is right there in front of her and wow, he was taller than she had imagined and oh, his eyes were so big and pretty and -

"um, suzy-sshi? are you okay?"

taemin waves a hand in front of the dazed girl, concerned. sueji starts, before flushing a bright red and bowing.

"ah, y-yes. t-thankyou, taemin-sunbae"

it feels rather surreal to actually use his name whilst talking to him, not just in her imagination.

(it rolls off her tongue a lot easier than she had expected.)

taemin chuckles, and sueji wonders how it's possible for someone to be so beautiful.

"you don't have to be so formal with me. just talk comfortably with me" he grins, dimpling and oh, she needs to take a picture.

sueji ducks her head and wonders if he can hear her heart racing.

"i couldn't possibly do that. n-not only are you are sunbae, but you're older than me" she stammers shyly, wishing she had half the confidence minyoung-unnie had.

taemin's eyes shine inexplicably bright, and he suddenly looks quite pleased (almost predatory, but sueji doesn't want to jump to any conclusions).

"then you can call me oppa" he states calmly.

sueji blinks.


taemin looks deliciously gleeful as he smiles at her, practically bouncing on his heels.

"well suzy-sshi, you did say you were younger than me. so you might as well call me oppa," he reasons, and it sound perfectly harmless if not for the questionable, dark-eyed gaze he seemed to be pinning her under. "after all, we'll be running into each other a lot and i'd like to know you better than just 'suzy-sshi'"

sueji is beet-red and refuses to meet his eyes.

"o-okay, taemin-oppa"


victoria-centric, perfection
victoria demands nothing less than perfection.

from herself and the people around her, there is nothing more satisfying to her than knowing that what has been done is the best it possibly could have been.

she sets the bar just above the stars, making sure that everyone isn't just good enough.

(everyone falls short, even herself, but victoria maintains it because it's the only way to remind herself that expectations can never be met.)


taecyeon/eunjung, late night filming
eunjung doesn't need anyone's help. she's perfectly fine on her own, with her busted leg and fucked-up sleeping schedule. she doesn't need anyone's sympathy or pity, because she's the one who chose this life and now she's living it, so really, she can't complain about how she's probably going to faint in about two minutes from exhaustion.

eunjung can barely keep her eye open by the time dream high filming has finished at some ungodly hour, almost stumbling into the glass door before taecyeon catches her elbow and steers her away from embarrassment and humiliation

"clumsy as always" his low chuckles send a shiver of awareness down her spine that eunjung tries to ignore.


pairing; taemin/suzy, fandom; f(x), pairing; taecyeon/eunjung, fandom; miss a, pairing; nichkhun/victoria, fandom; 2pm, fandom; t-ara, fic; wip

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