
Oct 19, 2011 02:22

Characters: Paine, and whoever wants to join her
Location: Training area
Rating: G-PG, maybe
Time: December 23rd, early morning
Description: Paine's keeping up on her exercise even though there's snow on the ground

Even with the cold weather and snow lightly falling, Paine was out at the training grounds. She was alone when she arrived, giving her plenty of time to stretch out properly warm up without interruption.

When she first arrived, the first thing Paine did was slip out of her sling. Her shoulder had been partially dislocated during the chase after Gamzee, but resetting it had been an easy fix. All that was left to do was wait for it to heal the rest of the way on its own. She'd done worse to it before and would probably do worse again. (Paine had developed ambidexterity to compensate for injuring her dominant sword hand.) Healing without magic or potions was inconvenient at best, and it was the restlessness from not being able to move her arm freely that had her out today. The bitingly cold weather actually felt good on the still slightly swollen injury.

Her plan is to work through a hand-to-hand regimen, slowly but surely, unless she's interrupted.

[ooc: Guys, I went on hiatus through most of the good plottiness, so I'm gonna have to hand-wave some stuff. Paine was signed up for Watch Shenanigans/giving chase to Gamzee, so I'mma injure her a little like I'd planned to even though it wasn't logged, orz. Since then... double-shift Watch patrol things around the city.]


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