
Mar 20, 2011 00:30

Characters: Kadaj, Sephiroth, and Spirit Albarn
Location: BREW area
Rating: PG-13 for possible violence.
Time: 29th of Oct. In the afternoon, but before Cloud's network announcement.
Description: In order to teach his wayward remnant a lesson, Sephiroth actually contacted Spirit to arrange a private viewing of BREW so that Kadaj could 'demand to be returned to Gaea'. Sephiroth, of course, knows how this is all going to end, but has kept such information to himself.

It had been easy enough to arrange this little viewing. While he loathed the fact that he actually had to reach out to another to get what he wanted, Sephiroth had done it purely to watch his young remnant suffer through further humiliation. The ex-General had given no indication to what Kadaj would be up against, and he'd sharply warned the over-zealous Deathscythe to keep all information regarding BREW to his brainless self. The red-headed fool had been wise enough to accept his proposal, so Sephiroth supposed that he could give the Deathscythe that.

Walking into the main room, his cat-like eyes shifted around to sight the seemingly innocent cube sitting quietly off in the distance. He'd seen the BREW machine once or twice in the past, and just as he'd been back then, Sephiroth still found himself rather unimpressed with the device. His thoughts were rather obsolete here, however, and he remained standing off at the edge of the room while gesturing for Kadaj to approach.

"This is what you demanded to see," Sephiroth smoothly said. Sliding his gaze from BREW and over to his wayward remnant, the ex-General's lips pulled up into an amused smirk as he said, "Now go and demand the machine to return you back to Gaea."

spirit albarn, sephiroth, kadaj

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