Light it up. [CLOSED]

Mar 19, 2011 20:07

Characters: Everyone involved in the Vriska plot!
Location: All over Death City
Rating: PG or higher for violence, I guess?
Time: Evening onwards~
Description: Vriska's been spotted. Let's get this show on the road, folks.

[As the posts on the network will show, Vriska has been spotted lurking around tonight. The Watch, of course, is itching to get on the scene.

The chase is on, ladies and gentlemen.]

+ Coordination post is here, with this thread outlining the flow of the chase.
+ The posts to the network haven't gone up yet, but we can proceed with the tagging here anyway on the assumption that Rise will be the one who will inform the Watch about the chase down. Roy's post will be going up whether this happens or not, and he'll have the IC details for the OOC plotting that we've done for this event.
+ I've broken the log down in the comments you'll see below this post, divided according to participants and location - action log or prose log, it doesn't matter since I want you guys to do what you're comfortable with. XD Did it this way so that we can speed things along or hop to the next part whenever we want to, and adjust accordingly. We can even do different parts simultaneously, especially if threads stall.
+ I'd highly suggest that participants track what is relevant to them here in order to get an idea of how things are going down. If you have any questions, poke me or Raile!

katsura kotarou, !watch, selendis, roy mustang, vriska serket, cheshire, karkat vantas, allen walker

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