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guillotineofgod November 22 2010, 14:55:27 UTC
Finally easing up onto his feet with a final stretch, Justin's expression smoothed over into the tiniest of smirks in answer. Despite the almost frightening speed at which Giriko hurtled towards him in a destructive frenzy, he quite calmly allowed his eyes to close in concentration while he slid an arm behind his back and fiddled for a moment. It just wouldn't be a proper duel without the perfect atmosphere - not like their encounter out in the desert. That had barely even counted.

"It sounds like you missed me terribly," Justin taunted in that annoying sing-song voice, "Are you here to finish what we started earlier?" There was a quiet click as he managed to find a fitting track to play for the duration of the fight. After all the times he and Giriko had faced off against one another, he was beginning to develop quite the playlist. He still hadn't quite managed to find a rhythm that matched the other Weapon perfectly, though...

Music, space, ample time and nobody to interfere... that was everything needed, unless the Death Scythe was forgetting something. But he wasn't.

One eye opened and Justin bespied Giriko tearing up along the stairway towards him, and inwardly he smirked. His face displayed no emotion now, though, as he focused on the fight at hand. Without a further pause his guillotine blade emerged from his arm with a steely glint and, quite suddenly, he jumped. Onto the railing. Knees bent, he kicked off and rapidly picked up speed as he slid downwards, aided by gravity, towards Giriko. After skidding to meet the Weapon at exactly halfway with a symmetry that would make Death the Kid proud, launched from it at the last second and opened the fight with a vicious slash - aiming for the neck, of course.


cuttingchain November 23 2010, 03:34:47 UTC
There was really something fucking irritating about the brat’s face. Giriko couldn’t put his finger on it, but it reminded him of that great and overwhelming rage he felt when thinking about Shibusen, and the extreme bloodthirst that came with the thought of ripping its people apart.

Giriko didn’t register the noise (always with the noise), was concentrating on crushing the blond’s body with his attack. Their fight would never end in that easy manner, but it was nice to look forward to the Deathscythe’s pain. Still, bloodlust and rage aside, Giriko was no fool. He hadn’t survived eight hundred years by being one.

He continued his roaring skate up the stairs even as Justin slid down to meet him - but when Justin jumped, Giriko skidded abruptly (break time: .04 seconds) and threw his arm up to catch the blade with a serrated chain taut between his hand and his shoulder. He held. “I’m here to take your new barrier down, father,” he growled in the interval, grinning, pleased at the first exchange.


guillotineofgod November 25 2010, 20:21:31 UTC
"Ha-ah? Isn't that a bit high priority for you?" Justin smiled smugly. The Witches must be desperate if they had to send a berserker to go take out Death City's primary line of defense. Subterfuge would have served far better - as it was, the Death Scythe hadn't even cared about the barrier in the first place. Then again, since they had needed Giriko for the golems... it would've been impossible to keep him from joining the fight. Oh well.

It was unusual for Justin to be the aggressor and Giriko the defender in their duels, but as far as he was concerned, they were simply just picking up from the moment they left off the last time. In that brief moment in which he hung in mid-air, opposed by the force of the chain, he figured it was probably wisest to ground himself once more. He was a defensive fighter, and while suspended he had absolutely no traction for warding off attacks.

With that, the right hand that bore Justin's guillotine blade darted forth to seize the chain further up - back of the chain, back of the chain! - and immediately he shot out a left straight punch and a simultaneous short-ranged kick, with the intent to propel himself away as well as mildly injure. Of course, both attacks were far more likely to just piss the other Weapon off further, more than anything.


cuttingchain December 5 2010, 12:53:04 UTC
Given how eager Giriko was to be pissed off, it wasn't a surprise when he was. There was an indiscernible grunt as he backed off (and down, given where they were fighting) a step, bent at the knees, and promptly propelled himself up and after Justin with a big leap. Whatever pain Justin's attacks brought went ignored, as most things with Giriko did.

Now they were back to the more natural order of things, Giriko pursuing and Justin defending, and he relished the change in position greatly. His blades whizzed in deadly sharpness about his frame as he went to crash his arm right at Justin's neck: It didn't matter if Justin blocked it. Giriko would only let the blades do their work instead.


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