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Comments 759

[CLOSED] [Spirit, Kanda, Miranda, Winry, Yuuri] soul_mods November 16 2010, 14:20:03 UTC
[Save the cheerleader deathscythe, save the world.]


daddyscythe November 17 2010, 15:58:14 UTC
This wasn't supposed to happen.

This wasn't supposed to happen, damnit!

Spirit stared up at the two women hovering over him with his one good eye, expression of hurt on his face. They were familiar faces despite their vicious, twisted features. Two witches under Shibusen's protection, two girls Spirit had thought were friends. Sure they were cabaret girls in the city, but they were good girls, and they were harmless ( ... )


kandescence November 20 2010, 21:30:41 UTC
It was no short distance from the Communal to Death City's red light district, and even on a normal day it was hardly a straight shot. Even the most direct path required darting through alleys and down backstreets. Months ago, back when that sickly fog had clogged the city for days portending the coming of the Shadows, Kanda had made his way along much the same route. Only then he had been with Heine, and he hadn't been racing the clock ( ... )


a_r0yal_flush November 23 2010, 01:21:24 UTC
The sand constructs hadn't taken long to find them during their dash from the Communal. Yuuri knew that they wouldn't have had a chance without defending themselves, and he hadn't hesitated in transforming to his weapon form at the first sign of trouble. He wasn't about to let anyone else die because of him.

His power flowed through Kanda as the more gentle side of him slept and the Maou took over. With their combined power, the partnered pair were able to fend off the irritating sand constructs. Such creatures were nothing in comparison to the monstrosities they'd dealt with in the future.

Watching the scene as Kanda landed between Spirit and the attacking pair. While he remained silent, there was nothing but determination as his meister struck out towards the witches.


[SHIBUSEN] soul_mods November 16 2010, 14:20:18 UTC
[Still considered to be an evacuation center.]


[GIRIKO VS JUSTIN LAW!] guillotineofgod November 18 2010, 18:11:33 UTC
Having just placed his communicator upon the railing slightly above where he sat, Justin Law languidly stretched his arms and legs from his perch upon the gigantic steps that led to the vast terrace before the academy of Shibusen. When the alarms had begun to sound, this was the place he had immediately headed to, only barely sparing the time to inform Master Shinigami as such. The young God really did need to learn to monitor the Death Scythe more closely, because his intentions for coming here had not been merely for sake of protecting evacuees, or the barrier that the complex housed ( ... )


cuttingchain November 19 2010, 16:41:01 UTC
Giriko didn't reach the stairs so much as gouged deep cuts on the cobblestone on the way as he sawed his way through the streets in his strange, noisy version of roller skates. There was only a little bit of blood on him, the citizens of Death City knowing better than to doubt the word of Justin Law.

"Well, well!" he roared as he approached, not checking his speed at all even as half a building behind him collapsed to the ground when he passed through its foundations. "If it isn't the FATHER!"

Today, he was going to wipe that shitty father's face on the floor and make his nose bleed buckets. Might actually cut his nose off entirely!

He didn't stop at the foot of the stairs, coming in fast and strong, all violence and happiness as he snarled at the familiar, irritating figure between him and that poor excuse of a kishin barrier thing. Giriko really didn't care, would rip the entirety of Shibusen apart if he had the time for it. Actually, didn't he?


guillotineofgod November 22 2010, 14:55:27 UTC
Finally easing up onto his feet with a final stretch, Justin's expression smoothed over into the tiniest of smirks in answer. Despite the almost frightening speed at which Giriko hurtled towards him in a destructive frenzy, he quite calmly allowed his eyes to close in concentration while he slid an arm behind his back and fiddled for a moment. It just wouldn't be a proper duel without the perfect atmosphere - not like their encounter out in the desert. That had barely even counted.

"It sounds like you missed me terribly," Justin taunted in that annoying sing-song voice, "Are you here to finish what we started earlier?" There was a quiet click as he managed to find a fitting track to play for the duration of the fight. After all the times he and Giriko had faced off against one another, he was beginning to develop quite the playlist. He still hadn't quite managed to find a rhythm that matched the other Weapon perfectly, though ( ... )


[CASUALTY COMMUNAL] soul_mods November 16 2010, 14:20:29 UTC
[The higher you are, the better, right...?]


[KANDA, YUURI, MIRANDA, WINRY][CLOSED] endthiscycle November 17 2010, 02:40:01 UTC
The alarm continued to ring, echoing throughout the streets of Death City. Accompanying it were the sounds of chaos as the Witch's spell began to take hold on its unknowing victims. Confusion gave way to panic and the sounds of battle as the Sand Muks of the previous days returned with the initiative to kill. Once again Shibusen had be thrust into an unexpected battle, but this time around there were two significant differences ( ... )


a_r0yal_flush November 17 2010, 04:03:27 UTC
Yuuri came tumbling out of the portal next in a flurry of flailing limbs not long after Winry and Miranda. Stumbling forward, the rush of the moment only seemed to intensify as the loud sound of a siren echoed throughout the city.

Were they really back? The question ran through his mind as Yuuri's gaze darted around the room. The room didn't remind him of the damaged buildings in Death City, so maybe the time record work? He felt a glimmer of hope welling within at the thought. If they were back, then they'd be able to stop that future from happening!

"Winry! Are you alright?" He called out as he caught sight of the effort she was making to keep the gate open. After everything that they'd been through, he didn't want to see her or the others come to any harm. Both Winry and Miranda were here, but Kanda went through the gate after him. Glancing back towards the portal in worry, Yuuri felt his heart beating fast as he waited for Kanda to arrive.


kandescence November 17 2010, 09:04:27 UTC
He wouldn't need to watch long. Kanda was certainly in no mood to dawdle, and compared to the last time they'd experienced this portal, being dragged unwillingly into it and waking up flung onto the ground in a mountain pass, this was a far easier passage. It still came with a sense of vertigo though, and it cost him a couple stumbling steps to steady himself once he came through.

He looked quickly to Yuuri, to Winry, to Miranda in her weapon form, and then around the room. From what he could see beyond the swirling clock face through which they'd come, it looked very much like the Communal and the room that they had left, he was not so quick to trust that they were back exactly were (and when) they started from though. How much time had passed since they'd been gone? And what the hell was that damn siren?

Scanning the room for something that would confirm just when they were, Kanda's eyes snapped to the digital display of a clock on the counter: 11:43 AM. But that didn't tell him nearly enough, and though he knew that there were ( ... )


[HORRORSPITAL] soul_mods November 16 2010, 14:21:26 UTC
[A stone's throw away from the Casualty Communal - injured right this way, please.]


[Nataku & Prussia | CLOSED] soulparadox November 18 2010, 05:38:58 UTC
[The flowers had been set for Prussia (picked fresh -- the memory that was something done for Kazuki while she was ill), and he had taken his seat so that he could begin with scolding him for his actions. Looking up at the sound of the alarm, his first thought had been that he had to return to find Tassadar. His meister was without him and that was not acceptable.

However, suddenly, he was holding the other's hand. His head gave a slight tilt as he tries to pull his hand away.]

Let go of me, if you please. I have to leave here.


seizeyoursouls November 18 2010, 05:49:42 UTC

Prussia was too busy basking in his own glory until her heard Nataku had to leave. Pout.]

Oi, already? I'll see you later then...

Huh. It's noisy out. What's goin' on?


soulparadox November 18 2010, 05:55:14 UTC
[Tug. Tug.

(This is a bit troublesome.)]

I do not know. But you will have to come with me.


[SHOPPING DISTRICT/COMMERCIAL AREA] soul_mods November 16 2010, 14:22:05 UTC
[Losing all your groceries to those sand blobs is going to suck.]


[Closed | Vergil and Genesis] redpeacock November 16 2010, 15:47:54 UTC
[The crimson demon broadsword-- Genesis-- didn't seem to be working as impressively as he usually did under Vergil's hand. If in past encounters, the Weapon constantly kept the fiery glow of resonating energy, today he seemed to be out of sorts, only sporiadically glowing at the moments he was moved to take out an enemy. At the same time, Genesis seemed to be putting on a bit of weight on the meister, becoming generally more difficult to wield.

Apparently, this was a particularly bad day to be ambushed by the enemy given Genesis' state of mind. Ever since the rescue attempt left for the desert, he had been restless-- some would say frustrated-- with his duty to the city. He didn't complain-- not aloud at least. But it was clearly visible to those observant enough. Any keen eye from his subordinates in the Shopping District would have noticed the way his patience seemed to have grown shorter (if it wasn't short enough already) and his body language more livid than the usual languid wave of the hand or arm to punctuate his speech ( ... )


[Closed | Vergil and Genesis] blue_darkslayer November 16 2010, 16:23:25 UTC
[Vergil hadn't seemed to take too much notice at first; his primary concern was to reach the mall as soon as possible, before too many of the sand constructs could swarm the place and make securing it too difficult and time-consuming a process. If Genesis seemed heavy to his touch, he attributed that perhaps more to his own fatigue than anything. He couldn't be sure that the Weapon had noticed or not, but he hadn't actually been sleeping since the initial invasion on the city. It wouldn't be a problem, though, once adrenaline started pumping and he could draw strength from their resonance during combat ( ... )


[Closed | Vergil and Genesis] redpeacock November 20 2010, 04:47:06 UTC
[Well, it was only when Vergil spoke that Genesis gained back his concentration, focusing again to make resonation work. He was still frustrated-- peeved that he wasn't able to play more of a part towards rescuing the kidnapped, focusing on protecting the city instead. It was a leader-like thing to do, but it frustrated Genesis.]


[He seemed to be barely resonating in his state of mind.]


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