Jan 04, 2011 23:47

✦ Where is this roleplay set?
Pareidolia is set in a city of the same name. It is a renaissance style city based on an island, with rivers running through it. There are a number of districts in the city; residential, shopping, etc.
For a map and places in Pareidolia, please take a look at the locations page.

✦ How advanced is the technology of the city?
The technology of Pareidolia is pretty much the same as technology in the present world, despite the appearance of the buildings. However, there are some items that do not exist, such as televisions and computers; this is simply because there's nothing to be shown on televisions, and no internet signal. However, the devices that characters receive upon can be 'hacked' and modified to increase their functions.

✦ Why was my character brought to this world, and how will they arive?
Why, is something that will be made clear in time. How? Characters will be torn from their own world and appear suddenly in Pareidolia, in front of the fountain in the center of the city. They arrive in whatever state they were in their own world, in other words, if your character was hurt in a fight, they will arrive still injured. Upon arrival, they have only the clothes on their backs and a small digital device akin to a smart phone.

✦ What about powers?
Characters with powers and magical abilities will arrive with them partially usable; meaning, they will still have their powers but they will not be as strong or effective. However, it should be noted that certain things may happen in Pareidolia that result in characters temporarily losing their abilities, or regaining full control. Events may also occur that grant characters with abilities they didn't have.
We leave it to players discretion to decide how to reduce a character's powers, but remember, all of their powers will be affected.

✦ My character uses a weapon/has items/magical clothing/equipment they require for their powers, will they still have these and if not can they get them back?
Upon arrival, your character will not have any of their possessions apart from the clothing on their backs (please note any magical clothing will have lost it's effects). However, if a character plays nicely with Pareidolia's strange tricks then they might eventually get items back. Remember though, what Pareidolia can give back, it can just as easily take away again...

✦ Does my character have to be humanoid for me to apply for them?
Yes. This rp will not accept applications for animals or other characters that are not humanoid in some way. If you are unsure as to whether we would accept your character, please drop us a line and we'll get back to you.

✦ How do the character journals work?
Character journals will not actually be posted in for this rp as all character posts are made to the main community with a character tag. You may, however, wish to use their journal to post applications, a concrit/HMD post, permissions posts, memes and mail inboxes. We also have no problem with you using your character journal for other rps. Posts made to the main community by characters will be made on the digital device that they find on their person upon arrival and will be displayed on a feed not unlike twitter, facebook or livejournal, called the P-Net. They can be text, voice or video entries. The device can start recording without character prompting, resulting in accidental posts.

✦ What other features does this device have?
The device has an automatic, universal language translator. This means that to your character all other characters will be speaking their language. It also has an interactive map of the city which works like a GPS, showing the character's location with a flashing dot. However, this map is of the city as it was when it was first created and there may be inaccuracies at times - the city has a habit of moving. It also shows a housing list, with each and every person in the city on it.

✦ So what sort of events will there be in this roleplay?
As the name of the RP suggests, Pareidolia is percieved as a normal city, however this isn't the case. Why your character has been brought here and what their purpose is will at first not be clear to both you and your character. However, through plot events, the game will be driven. Characters will investigating the world and become more and more involved in the mystery that surrounds this city that isn't what it seems.
Pareidolia is a psychological game and as such event will stretch from the normal, straight through to the damn right weird with some horror and mind-fuckery thrown in! Events will be posted to the main community. There will be events your character has no choice whether to be involved in or not, and there will be some where you can choose whether or not to take part or to spectate. There will also be some events that include mini-events. When an event is plot-specific, we will let you know in the details section.
Past events can all be found at imbroglione.
The events calendar, which has a brief outline of the month's events, can be found here.

✦ What about player plots?
We would encourage players to run their own plots and actively build CR in the game! After all, characters may plan to attempt to escape from Pareidolia, or anything else. The only player plots you need to run past mods are anything that will affect Pareidolia as a whole, or anything you need guidance on, such as escape attempts.

✦ How does money work in this world?
Currency works as follows: ten bronze coins is equal to one silver, fourty silver coins is equal to one gold coin. Bronze coins, and perhaps silver for more expensive items, are enough to pay for items such as food and other groceries. However silver and gold are required to purchase more valuable items such as clothing and accessories, including weapons and armor. A coin purse will be waiting for your character at their assigned apartment, it will contain 30 gold coins, 400 silver and 4000 bronze - this amounts to a total of 50 gold coins. Once that money has run out (mods will leave it to the player discretion but please don't be silly with it!) a character will have to beg, steal or work to get more money!

✦ Can my character get a job?
Your character is more than welcome to get a job in Pareidolia! There currently isn't a page anywhere in the mod journal to keep a track of jobs, however, if your character is setting up a shop or business, you can drop us a line in the locations page!!

✦ What about somewhere to live?
One of the things your character will be assigned when arriving is an apartment. This apartment will be shared with up to four other characters. Players have no decision as to where their character is assigned; this will provide players with characters to interact with upon arrival and allow an easy start to the rp! It also ensures that people rp outside of their cannon. Your character can, of course, choose to lodge with someone else, however they are not guaranteed a room there as their assigned room will remain the same.

✦ Can my character die in this world?
Characters can only physically die during specific events. Otherwise, a character can suffer grievous and otherwise fatal injuries and not die, no matter how close to dying they are.

✦ I want to apply as an original character, can I?
Yes! We allow original characters here. Please note that original character applications are expected to be much longer and descriptive than fandom character applications. Also, please note we will not accept fandom-original characters - the only exception to this is player created characters from games such as Dragon Age or Mass effect, or MMOs. If in doubt, please message the mods and we'll help out!

If you have any questions not answered here or in the rules, please comment here with them or contact a moderator and we will try to answer them as fast as possible.

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