
Nov 02, 2004 19:03

I feel very sorry for the people on my friends list that have been brainwashed, bribed, and deluded into voting for Bush ( Read more... )

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herlovecrumbles November 2 2004, 17:39:49 UTC
I think it's the other way around. I voted for Bush for my own personal reasons, not becasue I was brainwashed. At least I know what he's about, because in the next 4 years (if he wins), he's not going to change drastically.

Either way --- I'm glad you voted. At least you got your opinion out.


sorrowbringer November 2 2004, 17:51:41 UTC
I think I'm missing something.

Isn't the past four years ENOUGH of a reason to NOT vote for him?

He got us into a ridiculous war. He wants to ban shit that he has no right to ban. He is a blithering IDIOT. He wants to do for the wealthy and fuck all of us in the middle income tax bracket, let US pay all the bloody taxes while those who make the obnoxious amounts of money get the tax CUTS. Explain to me how THAT is reasonable.

Yes, I agree that Bin Laden/Hussein had to be dealt with. The way he did it was asinine. We ARE the laughingstock of the world, we have no respect from any other country and choose to throw it back in their faces -- Freedom Fries? WTF is that crap. Besides, no one even knows where Bin Laden is (supposedly), so fat lot of good THAT war was.

If we keep going the way we're going, Dubbya is going to get us into a war with Korea that we can't and won't be able to handle, and then we're all fucked up the ass sideways. He thinks IRAQ had nuclear weapons? Pshaw.


herlovecrumbles November 2 2004, 18:08:57 UTC
I think you're too concerned with war... And to be quite honest, I don't really care what other countries think of us. We're the strongest country in the world. We shouldn't have to worry about what other people think of us, because it's not like everyone's going to get together and just bomb us. That won't happen. The war may not have been the best idea, but it's not for oil, like most people think it is. I think my generation has been brainwashed with this oil crap. Too much MTV and Rock the Vote crap ( ... )


xg0newiththesin November 2 2004, 18:22:20 UTC
Typical arrogant American... you better care what other countries think of us because if a country like CHINA starts hating us the way Osama Bin Laden does... we're going to have more trouble than a couple of buildings going down.

I agree with you whole heartedly Courtney, if Kerry doesn't win, I will be terribly disappointed in this country, and the entire world will be laughing at us for re-electing that idiot. I for one, voted for Kerry... and not because I HATE Bush, but because I believe in Kerry and I believe he is for America... not for HIMSELF like our poor excuse for a president.

Go Kerry, I'm pullin' for ya!


herlovecrumbles November 2 2004, 18:33:58 UTC
Sorry, you're not going to change my opinion... Whether you call me arrogant or not. Honestly, like I'm going to say for the 3rd time now, we have our own opinions. We're entitled to have them. This is why we have elections like this. If we all felt the same, then there wouldn't be a need for any sort of election. For the millionth time, I voted for my own reasons beyond what I've stated in these posts ( ... )


xg0newiththesin November 2 2004, 18:52:33 UTC
I wasn't bashing you for voting for Bush, I was bashing you for seeming to think that no one can touch America. The fact that most of the world HATES America and the fact that China has weapons of mass destruction, could in fact lead to a mass bombing of the United States. That is why I called you arrogant, people seem to think we are untouchable and we definitly are not.

I don't care who you voted for and I wasn't causing an "e-fight" I was simply replying to the things you had said because it basically irritates me when someone acts as though America is untouchable to the entire world.


herlovecrumbles November 2 2004, 18:57:43 UTC
I don't think we're untouchable, but I don't think anything major will happen within the next 4 years, no matter who gets elected. It's not like China's going to just bomb us for the hell of it. The reality is, war is scary, no matter who is President of this country. If China doesn't like America, or Korea, or whatever country, it doesn't matter. If they don't like us, they don't like us. That's how it's going to be. Kerry nor Bush will change that.


xg0newiththesin November 2 2004, 19:29:47 UTC
Again, what I was saying had nothing to do with the election, I AM NOT SAYING KERRY IS GOING TO STOP ANYTHING. I'm saying, stop acting like the US can beat anyone and anything we come up against, because we can't.


sorrowbringer November 2 2004, 18:34:33 UTC
Amen ( ... )


xg0newiththesin November 2 2004, 18:56:37 UTC
I was disappointed too and he pretty much did exactly what I knew he'd do... go to war, kill the economy and lie.

I wanted to badly to vote in the last election just for Al Gore... because I LIKE Al Gore. Unfortunatly I wasn't old enough.

You're right, America is NOT the strongest country in the world and I wish people would get a clue. We are not untouchable... we are vulnerable and since half the world hates America, I wouldnt be surprised to see attacks on us. I'm sad that the entire world basically judges me on President Bush, it's sad that he represents our country as our "finest". The only thing I have now is that he can't be elected again after this... but 4 more years? I'm thinking about moving to Canada until his term is up... wanna come with?


herlovecrumbles November 2 2004, 18:59:55 UTC
See, you both think I'm some crazy Bush supporter. I'm not at all. I would have voted for Dean any day... And when I was in high school, I was DYING to vote for Gore. I really liked him, too.

I still wish Liberman would take Kerry's place.

Point is, I just cannot stand Kerry.


sorrowbringer November 2 2004, 19:06:46 UTC
I don't think you're some crazy Bush supporter -- I just don't see how you can support someone who lies ( better yet, is too stupid to know a lie from the truth) and I fail to see how you think he cares about this country.


xg0newiththesin November 2 2004, 19:32:00 UTC
I didn't think you were a crazy Bush supporter... and if you voted for Bush that's your right. Now... let's all be friends and stop arguing because we're obviously never going to agree.


sorrowbringer November 2 2004, 19:13:01 UTC
I liked Gore too. A lot. As uncharismatic as he was, he had common sense. It frustrates me that we're judged on Bush too. We have friends from Australia that sail the ocean and upon last talks with them, the world HATES us. It's not the media, it's not bullshit, the world HATES us cos they think we're incompetent idiots. Why people cannot grasp the fact that what we, the American public, have allowed Bush to do has caused such massive hatred and distrust inthe world is beyond me ( ... )


xg0newiththesin November 2 2004, 19:33:13 UTC
HEE. I forgot to tell you but I linked you in my affiliates on Bad Apple so when you get the time add me back :D


dreality November 3 2004, 07:46:50 UTC
That to secure these Rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just Powers from the Consent of the Governed, that whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these Ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its Foundation on such Principles, and organizing its Powers in such Form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient Causes; and accordingly all Experience hath shewn, that Mankind are more disposed to suffer, while Evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the Forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long Train of Abuses and Usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object, evinces a Design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their Right, it is their Duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future Security.And that should be all the ( ... )


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