
Nov 02, 2004 19:03

I feel very sorry for the people on my friends list that have been brainwashed, bribed, and deluded into voting for Bush ( Read more... )

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sorrowbringer November 2 2004, 18:34:33 UTC

ANd I was disappointed in this country when it "elected" Bush in the first place. What people fail to remember is that GORE won the popular vote -- in essence GORE won the election (and I still can't think of him without marking out for Rhyno HA), NOT Bush, and no one remembers that. Daddy bought that election for him.

I would, honestly, rather the world laugh at us for reelecting Bush than for pulling another month long vote count and then the Land of the Lawsuit rears its ugly head again. I swore up and down that when Bush got elected I was moving to Canada and renouncing my American citizenship (and I haven't quite let that go) I just didn't have the funds to make that happen. Not that I do now, but the principle is the same. And I realise that Dubbya will be gone in 4 yrs if he's reelected, but its not entirely HIM that I'm disappointed and willing to revoke my citizenship because of -- its the American public that disgusts me. The indecision, the lawsuits, the scandals, it's horrifying. At least Britain has the common sense to sweep those things under the rug.

Sadly, I don't think Kerry will win. I've been saying that for the past couple months, while I sorta like him, I don't think he has the backing and the momentum to win. It's all I can do to pray to God that if Dubs is put back in office that SOMEONE gets a clue and realises that we are NOT the most powerful country in the world anymore and we have to stop acting like it.

I was still half tempted to write in Dean as my presidential vote. HE is a candidate I would have gotten behind wholeheartedly.


xg0newiththesin November 2 2004, 18:56:37 UTC
I was disappointed too and he pretty much did exactly what I knew he'd do... go to war, kill the economy and lie.

I wanted to badly to vote in the last election just for Al Gore... because I LIKE Al Gore. Unfortunatly I wasn't old enough.

You're right, America is NOT the strongest country in the world and I wish people would get a clue. We are not untouchable... we are vulnerable and since half the world hates America, I wouldnt be surprised to see attacks on us. I'm sad that the entire world basically judges me on President Bush, it's sad that he represents our country as our "finest". The only thing I have now is that he can't be elected again after this... but 4 more years? I'm thinking about moving to Canada until his term is up... wanna come with?


herlovecrumbles November 2 2004, 18:59:55 UTC
See, you both think I'm some crazy Bush supporter. I'm not at all. I would have voted for Dean any day... And when I was in high school, I was DYING to vote for Gore. I really liked him, too.

I still wish Liberman would take Kerry's place.

Point is, I just cannot stand Kerry.


sorrowbringer November 2 2004, 19:06:46 UTC
I don't think you're some crazy Bush supporter -- I just don't see how you can support someone who lies ( better yet, is too stupid to know a lie from the truth) and I fail to see how you think he cares about this country.


xg0newiththesin November 2 2004, 19:32:00 UTC
I didn't think you were a crazy Bush supporter... and if you voted for Bush that's your right. Now... let's all be friends and stop arguing because we're obviously never going to agree.


sorrowbringer November 2 2004, 19:13:01 UTC
I liked Gore too. A lot. As uncharismatic as he was, he had common sense. It frustrates me that we're judged on Bush too. We have friends from Australia that sail the ocean and upon last talks with them, the world HATES us. It's not the media, it's not bullshit, the world HATES us cos they think we're incompetent idiots. Why people cannot grasp the fact that what we, the American public, have allowed Bush to do has caused such massive hatred and distrust inthe world is beyond me.

The other bit that aggravates me is that NO ONE will take a stand. Sure, we bitch about our presidency, we bitch about the gov't, but WE HOLD THE POWER AND NO ONE DOES ANYTHING. Know why they don't? Same reason *I* don't. Because I don't think anyone would get behind me cos they're too scared shitless to break the mold. If I could have thought of some ingenius way to get Dean the nomination instead of Kerry, I would have done it in a heartbeat. I. Love. Dean. I hate Kerry. I really do. But I hate Bush more than hate can be defined. I think Kerry is just... i don't know. Something I don't like. But I cannot for the life of me come up with one good reason why Dubbya should stay in office.

Ngh. Yes. I will come with to Canada. But I drive a Camaro, I don't think my car will make it far in a Toronto winter LOL


xg0newiththesin November 2 2004, 19:33:13 UTC
HEE. I forgot to tell you but I linked you in my affiliates on Bad Apple so when you get the time add me back :D


dreality November 3 2004, 07:46:50 UTC
That to secure these Rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just Powers from the Consent of the Governed, that whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these Ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its Foundation on such Principles, and organizing its Powers in such Form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient Causes; and accordingly all Experience hath shewn, that Mankind are more disposed to suffer, while Evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the Forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long Train of Abuses and Usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object, evinces a Design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their Right, it is their Duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future Security.

And that should be all the justification we need. Hell, we've made a history of chaffing against overbearing authority, so what's the problem? Why can't we do that now? Because we're based on a culture of fear. We're terrified to do anything against Big Brother (or what might as well be Big Brother) or even show how we truly feel because God forbid we do anything that looks "unpatriotic." Anyone who says anything bad about Bush automatically becomes unpatriotic, unamerican, and doesn't truly care about the country and its people. But really, what's more patriotic, more American, than rebellion?

That being said, I'll join anyone on the trip to Canada now.


sorrowbringer November 3 2004, 14:54:14 UTC
It's me, I'm in class and can't remember my password. Go me.

But really, what's more patriotic, more American, than rebellion?

I don't know, but people can't grasp that. We ARE based on fear, we ARE afraid Big Borther is gonna come crashing down on us, and will we DO anything about it? No. Cos we have no balls, no backbone, no nothing. We're slowly working our way back to a dictatorship or monarchy of some form. History DOES repeat itself, I think it's about time that we put our foot down to the head cheeses of these "United States" and tell them to go fuck themselves.

Alas, I don't see that happening in my lifetime.

ANd I think you make three on the Canada trip :D


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