This weekend is going to be fun...not...

Aug 09, 2013 23:16

My sister arrived one hour ago, insulted me three times, my dog four times, and then tried to control who I can and cannot invite to my own wedding...oh and did I mention that I am not even engaged yet? Then she accuses me of being a baby because I refuse to put up with her spewing insults to my face when she tries to have an "adult" conversation. So, yeah, not pleased right now. And all this over one of my good guy friends who went to school with my sister and older brother and apparently gave them the "heeby-geebies". Then when I try to understand where they are coming from, they said it was just a gut reaction and that they don't want him to be there.

Okay. Several things wrong with this picture.

1. I am not engaged yet. I am not planning a wedding at this current moment.

2. The guy in question has been one of my best guy friends for the past seven years. I am making his wedding cake and am a bridesmaid in his wedding.

3. Who I invite to MY wedding should not be up to my siblings.

4. An adult conversation is when both sides get heard and no one insults one another or their friends, not what my siblings call an adult conversation.

5. If they do not like the fact that he will be invited at the wedding, I have kindly told them they can be adults and try to be civil, not the rude asses they are threatening to be if he shows up.

When I explained these points, they then demanded full control over my seating arrangements, which I refused as I did not and will not demand it for their nuptials. Then I told them that if that was their idea of an adult conversation, come back and talk to me when they can do so without insults. If they choose to be asses at my wedding, I will simply ask them to leave. I don't care if they are family and he is my friend, but if they cannot put aside their feelings for each other for ONE FREAKING DAY and act like children, then they can go to bed at a child's time: early.

Adult conversations about one's wedding should not be a list of demands that the one that is getting married should listen and abide to. If they truly understood what it means to be an adult, they would understand that my wedding has nothing to do with them and their dislike for one of my good friends. They would be supportive for me and understanding that I did not want a couple of people invited to my sister's wedding this past summer, but I held my tongue. I don't want a few people to be invited to my older brother's wedding, but I understand that it is not my place to make such demands. A wedding is about celebrating the union of two people who are in love, not causing drama over a twenty year old feeling. 
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