Life is not good right now

Jun 17, 2013 19:15

So, my brother decided to blow up on me tonight. Said that because I have a degree that I was stupid as I don't have real life experience as I have spent my entire life in school. Then I heard that he thought I called him stupid to my grandmother, which made everything clear.

First of all, I did not, and will never call my brother stupid.

Second of all, my grandmother does not have all her marbles anymore.

That being said, it is extremely frustrating when someone thinks I said something that I did not, hearing that it came from my grandmother, and then me having to clue them in that my grandmother LIKES TO CAUSE DRAMA! Why? BECAUSE SHE IS BORED OUT OF HER MIND! I thought that I was not the only one who knew that my grandmother has been losing it over the past five years. My mom and sister know, but apparently, my brother did not realize that my grandmother likes to cause drama and to gossip.

So, from that, I got called stupid for not applying for McD's when I've been applying for receptionist positions and the like (well over 400 positions applied for since last month) that pay roughly the same amount. I got called stupid for following my dream of being a novelist. I got called stupid for getting my degree and not immediately getting a job. Because apparently only the people who work the grimy fast food and gas station jobs are worth anything according to my brother.

I have dreams. I have plans on how to achieve those dreams. I have been working actively to achieve those dreams sooner. I'm sorry that my brother does not see the effort that I put in because I'm not getting paid right now. I'm sorry that that is what constitutes as failing at life. But he cannot and will not know how hard the past four years have been. How hard I have worked to achieve what I've achieved. How many nights I've spent well over 16 hours at school, only to come home and write a paper all night and to repeat the long day again. How many profs and staff know me and know my writing and are willing to be references for me, but apparently they don't count.

So, yeah, I am pissed, I'm upset, I am missing T like crazy, and I want a job that actually brings me a sense of worth. I want a job in which I can be proud to say that I work there. I want a place in which I can help others. But mostly, I want the people who say that being a graduate with a BA and no job is relaxing because they are full of BULLSH!T! 
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