A little catching up

May 24, 2013 19:27

So...it's been awhile...since I've posted anything really.

I guess I can blame life for just taking hold and becoming insanely busy, but with busyness comes drama as well.

Where to start.

I have officially graduated from university with my BA in English and Music...my last term was actually my best term in terms of marks and happiness level.

I am still with T, and yes, he has given me a promise ring to symbolize that his intentions are true and that he intends to make me his fiance, then wife, then mother of his children (several years from now...like...at LEAST Five years). I do love in with all of my heart and am incredibly blessed to have found someone who enjoys all my quirks as much as I enjoy expressing them.
  That being said, my sister did not exactly understand why he couldn't simply just propose to me...but then again, she forgets that I am only 22, that I've only been with him for 11 months, and that I don't want to be married before I'm 24. T does. Thank You God! She can be a bitch at times, but the only way she thinks love can be expressed to her is verbally, whereas I am much more of a quality time together and cuddling time together person. She also forgets that there are different ways of dating and courtship. Where her relationship was very much a dating procedure, mine has been more of a traditional courtship style. Unexpected, but thoroughly enjoyable. I told T that I wanted to get to know him before anything else, that we must find common ground as friends before I could even consider him as anything else...then he shows up with flowers and is a complete old-style gentleman in the fact that he lavished me with everything, not expecting anything in return. Yeah...we are just a tad the traditional relationship couple thing people...:)

Next piece of news...and a bit shocking...bitch 2 contacted my family...yeah, and my cousin is pregnant...not so surprising there. Now, my mother wants me to forgive and forget everything she has ever said to me...yeah, not quite sure how to approach this situation...I guess I just have to wait and see if she ever apologizes for being a bitch in the first place...then I'll figure everything else out from there.

So, all in all, I am happy, healthy, hoping that I get a job soon, and will be able to start searching for places to live with T in the city. Things are looking up for the most part. Time to begin the new chapter of my life :)
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