Feb 17, 2010 00:41
So I was driving home earlier and that one song "You Can't Always Get What You Want" by the Rolling Stones came on. Now I've heard this song often enough. It's a good song. It got me to thinking though. There are a lot of things that I want. Too many things. Many rational and many irrational things. I keep thinking that I should just go after what I want more all around. The problem with that is that I don't know what I want more relative to everything else. I should worry more about those things that I need. I mean need for continued happiness. That's just not those silly "I soooo need those tickets to be happy!" kind of moments. I mean what I really need.
A lot of people use want and need interchangeably, and they're wrong in doing that. Wanting means that you have a desire that you wish to have fulfilled in some fashion. You're not going to die if it's not fulfilled. A need on the other hand, is something which is required in order to sustain function. Your needs in life truly are food, water, and shelter (with some exceptions depending on climate. Everything else is a need or necessity in order to sustain something else. For example - I need to go to school in order to attain my dream job. That means that unless you go to school, there is no other way to attain your dream job.
So you get the idea; wants and needs are different. I usually leave needs as my essentials to living - food, water, and shelter. Wants are great in number and varied in type. What is going to start happening with me is shifting around the word 'need' in my life to be relative to other goals. What I need in order to be happy. What I need from other people in order to be okay with them. What I need in order to get my life on track.
See, all this lack of need in my life has perhaps made me lethargic. I don't care about a lot of things. I'm so damned flexible that I can really go just about any way on an issue. This allows open-mindedness, but also allows me to be a bit of a pushover or even just unable to make a decent decision. As soon as I start establishing more direct goals and needs which I implant for various settings, my bearings about me will be more firm.
Yeah, that was my thought. From a song. I think a lot. Mostly about self-improvement.