Four Journeys (NR-17 and then some!)

Jan 09, 2007 11:33

author: fawsley
title: Four Journeys
pairing: Faramir/Boromir, Aragorn/Faramir, Faramir/OC
rating: about as NC-17+ as it's possible to get
warnings: Violent and graphic sex, incest, possible non-con, implied child abuse, blood, piercing, hot het horses.
Don't read it if you have squicks about any of these!
No mpreg or Orblando (though Leggy gets a mention) so it has some good points.
summary: Three men, four journeys of the heart. Difficult roads to self-knowledge and not all of the travellers is able to stay the course without some serious doubt and major angst.
note: an old fic from 2005. nearly totally rewritten but then I realised that it represents my writing at a given time so should be kept as is. Dark as it is, some people really liked it!
I write very differently now...
Here for a while then flocked to my LJ.
feedback: is like jelly and cake!
disclaimer: Tolkien's characters. My perversions. The Professor must be turning in his grave.

4J 1/4 : Boromir's journey

4J 2/4 : Faramir's first journey

4J 3/4 : Aragorn's journey

The last journey is split into two parts to fit onto LJ!

4J 4i/4 : Faramir's second journey part one

4J 4ii/4 : Faramir's second journey part two

character:faramir, genre:slash, rating:nc-17, character:aragorn, fandom:lotr fpf, character:boromir, character:original, type:fan fiction

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