[Mod Post] Minor Changes to Content Guidelines--

Jan 01, 2007 22:44

Well, it's the New Year, and the beginning of the year is always a good time to try new things, right? ...Just go with me on this one. ^_~

Anyway, after a great deal of deliberation and with the assistance of the membership, in the spirit of keeping the community vibrant, we're widening the content guidelines for posts to sons_of_gondor on a trial basis.

The userinfo/new content guidelines now read as follows...

Content Guidelines:

sons_of_gondor accepts LotR FPF and RPF slash/femslash, het and gen featuring Gondorian characters/actors, as well as FPF/RPF in other fandoms featuring the LotR Gondorian actors (i.e., Prophecy, Sharpe, The Price of Milk, etc.).

The community's sole requirement at this time is that all fic/art/misc. posts (be they slash, het or gen) include at least one son/daughter of Gondor, character or actor, as a focal point of the story/art/post.

(A "Son1 of Gondor" is defined as a character who is related to a Gondorian family, ruling, in exile, commoner or otherwise, either by blood or by marriage. In FPF, this refers to all Gondorian characters: book, film, appendices or related works. In RPF, this refers to the actors/actresses that played those same characters in Peter Jackson's LotR films.)

If you are not sure whether your fiction falls within the guidelines, please feel free to contact one of the moderators.

1. "Daughter of Gondor," i.e. Finduilas, is also included in this definition.

...The posting guidelines remain the same.

You'll note that we've scaled back restrictions so that the only requirement is that a Gondorian character/actor be the focal point of the fic/art/post, rather than all pairing participants be from Tolkien's races of Men. Those of you who watch meduseld will be familiar with this format.

For those of you who already post and read the comm, this means very little in terms of disruption of routine, as all we're attempting to do is streamline the guidelines and make the comm more inclusive, thereby keeping the fics flowing. In fact, we're hoping it will benefit all members, and that any of you who feel a bit iffy about the change will stick around and give it a fair shake before making any decisions. As I've said up-post, this is on a trial basis only. If it goes well, fantastic. If it turns out to be a colossal mistake, well, we'll go back to the tighter guidelines.

As always, if you have any questions/comments/concerns, please, feel free to let us know. This is a community, after all, and that means it's important that we hear your voices and find the best balance between individual and collective concerns.

Additionally, we've got some other, less administrative, more fun things that we're going to try out, the first of which should be coming in the next day or so. ...But for now, I'll leave that explanation in savageseraph's capable hands.

ETA: I've also taken the opportunity to clear out any deleted journals from the membership. If I've removed someone in error, my apologies.

.admin:mod post, .announcement

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