FIC: Gratitude (LotR, Aragorn/Boromir)

Jan 09, 2007 18:35

Title: Gratitude
Author: Galadriel (caras_galadhon)
Fandom: LotR
Pairing: Aragorn/Boromir
Rating: G
Archive: Lothlorien, lotr_sesa and sons_of_gondor.
Feedback: Always appreciated.
Disclaimer: I have a vivid fantasy life, but I do not pretend to be JRR Tolkien, nor do I pretend to own his characters.
Summary: At Yuletide, Aragorn counts his blessings.
Notes: Written for alex_quine for lotr_sesa. After a little turn around the block, I found myself back in her Cold Pressing AU. I hope you don't mind that I've dipped my toe into your pool, Alex, especially as I couldn't ask for permission for fear of revealing that I had received your prompt. I humbly beg your forgiveness for any mistakes I may have inadvertently made in continuity or characterization. This is, for all intents and purposes, an AU to an AU, and written entirely in the spirit of paying homage to a fascinating and beautifully-written universe. (The Cold Pressing series, as well as the rest of Alex's fics, are available here.) Additionally, my unending thanks to savageseraph for both her beta work and moral support as I wrote.

( There were few things in this world that Aragorn was thankful for...)

character:boromir, genre:slash, rating:g, character:aragorn, type:fan fiction, fandom:lotr fpf

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