Randomness, Apropos of Nothing

Sep 27, 2011 22:48

I am entirely capable of not thinking of Pink Elephants. At least, I am capable of not visualizing pink elephants when I see the words "pink elephants". When someone dares me, "Don't think of an elephant!" one of two things happens. Either:

A) my brain is stymied into confusion and responds, "Don't think of an elephant? Okay...." while focused, as is traditional, on the face of the person with whom I am having a conversation, or...

B) I think of the word 'elephant' exactly as you just read it. If someone dares me not to think of a pink elephant, I think of the word 'elephant' in pink font.

Basically, unless I am daydreaming, whatever I am staring at is exactly what I am visualizing.

I kind of wonder what that says about me, besides the fact that you can't use "Don't think about X!" as a tactic to telepathically lift information about X from my brain. You're much more likely to get song lyrics, since I am singing to myself inside my head pretty much 24/7.

I have it on good authority that this habit is annoying as hell to telepaths.


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