Ray Comfort's latest movie is out. Trigger warnings apply for pictures and discussion of the holocaust, for talking about violent scenarios, for hate speech, for anti-choice rhetoric, for Christian supremacism, for white supremacism, for antisemitism, and a whole hell of a lot of other extremely triggery subjects. Seriously, this is a rough video to watch. But the lesson I take away from it all is that...
... we need WAY more funding for education. Way more. Seriously. And we need comprehensive sex ed liek WHOA. And we feminists have got to get our asses out there and spread some education because while I'm sure Ray cherry-picked his interview material... DAMN. Just... DAMN.
I can understand these folks not knowing the difference between a zygote and a fetus. But not knowing who Hitler is or being able to pick him out of a line-up? *facepalm* Even if you spend all your time on facebook, surely you've heard of
Godwin's Law. Surely SOMEBODY has invoked Hitler or the Nazis to you (probably saying you're just like them because you think children should have three meals a day). I... just... the mind. It boggles. Then runs away and hides.