hooray for fresh eyes

Apr 12, 2008 09:09

Yesterday after work I scooted up to Nashua to register for the Sunday portion of the NESCBWI conference and to participate in the peer editing. I read the "new" first scene of TBC, which is probably the 3rd or 4th installment of "new."

And so now it begins where grandmother dies for the last time. Which will automatically eliminate like seven hundred thirty four thousand and two characters (not letters!) from my first scene thus whacking much confusion out of the story and off the margins.

That, then, is the next thing for me to tackle. This also sets up my next scene, and lets me finish with the grand finale of Her Royal Majesty, the zombie Queen (grand)Mother being laid to rest, and would she please stay there this time, thank you.

Of course I came back with a bagfull of catalogs and submission guidelines and freebies and whatnots. Gotta love the whatnots.

List for today:

  • 5 2 1 letters
  • 1st scene. again
  • inquiry, for class this time
  • oh, and taxes, maybe (oh, you all knew this would get done first!)

but first, breakfast

nescbwi, tbc, scbwi, whatnots

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