Caminando, se me va la vida, caminando. Tú no estás y voy pensando Que no llevo rumbo caminando.
Walking, my life is getting away from me, walking. You are not around and I go thinking That I do not have a path (for my) walking.
Caminando, voy buscando pistas, caminando. Tú no estás y voy contando Cuántos años llevo caminando (y no me detendré).
Walking, I go looking for clues/paths, walking. You are not around and I go counting How many years I have spent walking (and I will not stop).
Voy andando, con las mismas piedras tropezando. Veinte veces voy contando La distancia y sigo caminando.
I go on my way, tripping over the same rocks. Twenty times I go counting The distance and I keep walking.
Chorus: ------------------------------------------ Te estoy buscando. Si hasta el fin del mundo estás, Ya voy llegando. Sé que te voy a encontrar.
I am searching for you. If you are at the end of the world, I am getting there. I know I will find you. ------------------------------------------ (x2)
Caminando, visté la luna y regresando. Hice un cráter de tanto ir caminando. Tantas millas me están agotando (y no me detendré).
Walking, I visted the moon and came back. [*alt. Walking, I visited the moon and started back.] I made a crater from so much walking. All these miles are exhausting me (and I will not stop).
Voy buscando, con tu foto a todos preguntando. Veinte veces voy cantando. Mi canción se repite caminando.
I go searching with your photo, asking everyone. Twenty times I go singing. My song repeats itself, walking.
[Chorus: "Te estoy buscando..."]
Desde el norte hasta el polo sur, Me voy acercando. Yo quisiera ser el gurú Que prendió tu luz.
From the north to the south pole, I am getting closer. I would like to be the guru Who lit your light.
Hay un cielo azul En donde estás tú.
There is a blue sky Where you are.
[Chorus x2: "Te estoy buscando..."]
Between lines of chorus: Cuando vayas al Caribe, Voy a buscar la paz interior Y cuando sea millonario Sé que te voy a encontrar.
When you go to the Caribbean , I will search for inner peace And when I am a millionaire I know that I will find you.
Te estoy buscando...
I am searching for you...
Translation Notes:
Voy andando, con las mismas piedras tropezando. I go on my way, tripping over the same rocks.
andar [verb] = to walk; to move
Ya voy llegando. I am getting there.
ya [adverb] = already; now
Saying voy llegando by itself also means "I am getting there." Adding ya adds a bit of emphasis to the impending action.