"Rondando Tu Esquina" by Enrique Cadícamo (sung by Julio Jaramillo), English translation of lyrics

Oct 30, 2010 09:48

"Scouting Your Corner"
Style: 1945 Tango
Countries: Argentina (Enrique), Ecuador (Julio)


Renditions: Julio Jaramillo at YouTube (my favorite), Enrique Cadícamo at a tango site (original composer).

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[Translation and notes moved to songlations.com]


Esta noche tengo ganas de buscarla,
De borrar lo que ha pasado y perdonarla.

This night I feel the urge to search for her,
To erase what happened and forgive her.

Ya no me importa el qué dirán
Ni de las cosas que hablarán…
¡Total la gente siempre habla!

It does not matter to me anymore what they will say
Nor the things they will talk about…
People always talk anyway!

Yo no pienso más que en ella a toda hora.
Es terrible esta pasión devoradora.

I think of nothing else but her at every hour.
It is terrible, this ravenous passion.

Y ella siempre sin saber,
Sin siquiera sospechar
Mi deseo de volver…

And she always without knowing,
Without even suspecting
My wish to return…

[Continue translation and notes at songlations.com]

julio jaramillo

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