Where's your Dodge now, Bitch!!!

Jan 04, 2009 02:38

New years was good, except for James and Anna being miserable and having sex in my bed.
Visiting Rosie and her family in Scunthorpe was awesome, they really made me feel welcome.
Life in general is good. Would love to see some of you guys at any point in the near future.

Right now on to the reason i'm making this post. I was just watching the fight between Ash and Maylene in the dub series of pokémon. I like the new dub, some of the pokémon voices are annoying and i still prefer the original but it's not bad. However during the battle i can't help but notice that Ash's voice is far more feminine than Maylene's, which is even more messed up because in Advanced he had a really deep voice. Do people in that universe go through puberty twice or something? And why didn't they get Maylene's voice actor to do Ash's part instead, at least then it wouldn't sound like it was the wrong way round when they were battling.

The thing that really annoyed me though, so much so that i paused it and went straight here, is the battle itself. Having Machoke block a Quick Attack with a Brick Break? First of all Staravia is much faster than Machoke, so it would have got the first hit anyway, and considering it's a Quick Attack it would have definately hit before Machoke could even respond to Maylene, let alone counter. And THEN the AnimeDodge hit a new low. Aside from the afformentioned speed difference, there is no way that a Machoke, however fast it might implausibly be, could dodge an Aerial Ace, a move that is GUARENTEED to hit, just by Maylene shouting 'Dodge'!! If i ever find out who was reponsible for this atrocity i will find their house and fill either their pillow or one of their loved ones with the eggs of a man-eating spider and seal the building, watching them slowly devour them and whoever else is unlucky enough to be present from many different mini-cameras, installed at all angles for my full viewing pleasure!

Oh and i had a rather serious throat infection, but that's passed now. Hope you all had a lovely holiday ^^
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