(no subject)

Dec 16, 2008 00:48

Yeah so having a New Year's Party. I really don't want to clash with the party Penn is hosting, nor do i intend to steal guests, but my flatmates want one and i agreed so it's there. This prolly means i won't be able to make it to yours on New Year's Penn, but if i can and if it is going for a couple of days after i will try my best to make it to yours.

And i fully urge everyone on my friend's list to go to Penn's instead of our party, cause our's will be bad. It will prolly involve alcohol and James Costello in some combination, which, while sometimes hilarious, is in equal parts ludicrisely annoying.

I just made this post so it didn't seem like i was organising behind your back Penn, sorry again that they clash, but it being new year's i guess it can't be helped XD If i find that watch from Harry Potter that lets me be in two places at once, first thing i will use it for, promise.

There isn't really any other news to report i guess. Chrono Trigger DS is out on my birthday, big w00t for that. Platinum is released in America in March, which prolly means we'll get it in August again >.< Might get the American one this time, but i think Windie, Jack and Rosie would hate me forever for betraying my country. Curses. Oh and when i get my new phone at christmas you're all having the names of your repective pokémon, so if i call asking who you are just answer with your name, or impersonate your pokémon just to fsck with my head.

I'll save my christmas wishes for a time closer to the day i think. Don't want to be as bad as advertising, though saying that if i was i prolly would have done it in November. What the hell is wrong with those people, cause i don't dislike the holiday enough already?
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