Plea for Awesomeness

Mar 03, 2009 23:03

First of all i urge people to listen to this band:
Called the Ragamuffins if you hadn't already figured that out. They're (in my humble opinion) one of the best unsigned bands ever, and their songwriting is second to none. However introduction to this awesome group comes with a request; to join this facebook group and donate £5 so they can fly to Austria and win a competition and give us all a free album. There's no guarentee that they'll win, of course, but they're up against 3 others and if they don't win i'll be dissapointed in humanity, yet again. Also there's nothing forcing you to join and donate a fiver, but if you think they're good then i think you should.

Right charity work over. Will update again soon (possibly later) with an idea i had a while ago. A very legendary idea, you might say...
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