Kids and Cats

Jan 08, 2011 16:04

Art is big. Huge even. And adorable. He climbs steps now and loves exploring. He squirms to get out of my arms any time and any where I pause while holding him. He laughs at the slightest provocation and is learning new words so quickly. He can say Mama, Dada, Bah (bath), Ca (cat), gir (girl), and Nighnigh (Night Night). Dat (That) is his favorite sound/word to repeat. He claps his hands when he's pleased, laughs when I discipline him (even the fiercest, growling NO delights him), and gives high fives. He's experimenting with standing without support and crawls at lightening speeds. He's going to be a handful in a few short months - a wonderful, troublesome handful.

Coco continues to suprise me with her creativity and communication skills. The other night she was doing something tricky. I told her if she broke her toy it wouldn't be my problem. She asked, "Will it be my problem, Mommy?" She often tries to tell me 'no thank you' or 'I'd rather not' when I ask her to do things and she asks if she may be excused from rest time. She had a rough week. One scary fall that left a vertical line bruise on her forehead and a black eye. Another fall on pavement scratched the skin around her other eye. I know I can't wrap her in bubble wrap, but I am tempted to do so. Her favorite request recently is to tell her stories. "Tell me a story about Wendy and Peter Pan. Tell me a story about Coco and Sully (from Monsters, Inc). Tell me a story about Mommy and Coco. Tell me a story about Thing One and Thing Two." I've told her as many as six stories in a row before denying her. Don't we all crave stories? Isn't the Bible a great love story?

God grants me patience and energy daily. Sometimes I think I can't possibly sweep the floor again or serve one more meal, but we muddle through by God's grace and sustaining presence.

I've inherited a people fearing, four year old cat named Sun. She's my latest project. She's been in the bathroom for a week, and I'm trying to endear myself to her with baby food meats, deli meat and canned tuna. This morning's visit to the vet and introduction to life outside the bathroom was a set back. I'm trying to keep my hopes in check. It seems unlikely that she will ever be my pet. At best she may be a companion for our first cat, Marmalade. If she can't cope with life in our household we'll let her be an outside/porch cat. She's not the second cat we would have chosen if we were looking for more cats to love, but she's the cat God has placed in our life. Her presence is stirring up all sorts of pet care questions, though. Can I have two tier cat health care? Can I give Sun these delicious cat treats in front of Marmy who is on a strict dry food only diet for gastro issues? How much financially and personally am I willing to invest in a cat I didn't want and who doesn't seem want me?

Oh, and what about circuses and zoos in light of returning things to God's intended purposes and good stewardship? We're going to the former in a couple of weeks and often enjoy the latter. And pets? Did God create cats and dogs and fish with our enjoyment in mind? If so, is the circus (assuming all animals are humanely treated) a big hoop jump (haha) from pets?

I'm resolving some preschool issues. All of our friends are putting Collette's peers into some sort of preschool. I was struggling with the decision and with sort of an everyone else is doing it fear. After much deliberation and prayer I don't think the return on investment is there for us, which makes me feel a bit sad that Collette might miss out on some cool fun and a little bit like the weird outsider. Both of those are issues I stuggle with when considering homeschooling too. So in some ways, it's nice to confront those now while she's still young. I've read a bit about homeschooling, but I haven't met with our pastor's wife who has done and supports both homeschooling and public school. I've tried convincing all of Collette's friends' mothers to homeschool with me, but no luck there. I really should explore the co-ops and try to find homeschoolers to whom I can relate. I know we'll reach a thought out decision with time and prayer, and I'll be confident when we get there. Life is messy, and I prefer definites to unknowns.

Then God said, "Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness; and let them rule over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the sky and over the cattle and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth." (Genesis 1:26)
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