A Quick Hello and Goodbye

Dec 17, 2010 13:50

Must post quickly. We're off to the Dominican Republic with my parents, sister and brother-in-law for a week, and our trip includes four travel days. One to drive to Jax (only two hours away), one to drive from Jax to Miami (a six hour drive without breaks), one to fly to DR (two and a half hour flight) and one travel day flying back to Miami and driving to Jax on the same day. Travel days require much more planning with two children! So after a week of slowly packing I still spent four hours and a lot of brain power last night figuring out exactly what we needed and how to pack it so I could find it when we needed it. Whew. I'll get to rest on the beach soon, though!

Joe will be home shortly. After the children finish napping we may buy sneakers before driving to Jacksonville. It's been a stressful few weeks since I've had lingering sinus crud and have lived in a Benadryl fog. Our Christmas cards haven't been written except to Joe's family, and I haven't printed the photos for the other cards either. I like to write a short little note of personal appreciation and love in each card. I did manage to trace Coco's hand and Art's hand (I cheated with Art's and made a template) in all the cards. So I'll write and send them when we return. Oooo maybe I'll bring them with me and write a few during the long drive. I get car sick, but I bet I could knock them out two at a time with long breaks between. Hmmm...

Presents were purchased and mailed, though. I managed to bake cookies for our local friends and neighbors, but I should go deliver the neighbors now. I would also like to sweep, pick up toys, and wipe down the fridge before we leave. So I should sign off. Good tidings to all and Merry Christmas!

But as for you, Bethlehem Ephrathah,
Too little to be among the clans of Judah,
From you One will go forth for Me to be ruler in Israel
His goings forth are from long ago,
From the days of eternity. (Micah 5:2)
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