Life is a party.

Nov 30, 2010 17:44

I'm trying to steal a few minutes for myself before bath time, and it ain't easy. My thoughts lately dwell on how busy homemaking is. I love taking care of my family, but it's lonely at times and repetitive. I socialize frequently (almost daily), but I am an extrovert who craves near constant company. Children, while delightful, don't count.

As I type Collette is attempting to get the juice out of the bottom of her Freezer Pop. I tried to teach her to suck it out, but we had little luck. So she opened her mouth real wide, and I poured the juice in. It bubbled out like a neon blue fountain and dribbled down her shirt. Three traditional Christmas carols are on repeat on the Ipod. Collette will sing with other children in church a week from Sunday, but she shows little interest in learning the words. I'm going to Google some ideas about how to teach songs to children. So far I've tried jumping up and down enthusiastically while I repeat the lines a thousand times in a off-tune voice that sometimes loses the tune. This is a hit with Art. Collette has been playing independently in our fenced gate-less backyard while I feed Arthur or work on dinner. I can't believe she's old enough to play outside by herself. When did that happen? And we read books to Arthur together. We pretend to be bears eating his face and rabbits sniffing his ears and cats purring on his chest. And tickles - there's a lot of tickling in this house.

Art is earnestly attempting to clap. It's adorable. He approaches everything with such zeal and courage. It's like he doesn't know or care that he can fail. He's just excited to exist. At this moment he's playing with the rope from an unraveled cat toy. It's about a yard long and attached to a scratching post. He picks it up, bounces up and down while holding it, crawls to a new spot (sometimes dragging the post) and repeats. For variety he occasionally tastes it. He's practicing standing while holding objects, and once he let go of support and stood on his own for a few seconds. He still shakes his head "no" when he's happy and has a camera face, which may be seen on my Facebook page photos. When he realizes the camera is pointed at him, he gives this open mouth grin. Oh, and I think he waved today. These are exciting times.

Someone should come clean my kitchen chairs. The cushions need laundering and the wooden parts need wiping down. After a year of toddler eating and messy hands these chairs are gross. Maybe Thursday.

Ok, bath time is nigh.

But it shall be when evening approaches, he shall bathe himself with water, and at sundown he may reenter the camp. (Deuteronomy 23:11)
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