Painting a Proper Picture.

Aug 09, 2005 11:57

Now, I have some new and interesting news. I just looked at my ex-husband journal today and I just have one question, the same as my whole family. Andy, are you trying to justify to yourself, or to everyone else that you are a "stand-up person". Oh and I didn't use the flash, there is this nice thing called lights, they are quite handy. I will say that if you want the stroller/car seat, that your parents insurance company replaced FOR AVA, then you can come over here and get it. But you must first prove that you can "use it", i.e., sit in it and let your mommy and daddy push you around in it. You have just demonstrated that you have no regard for my daughter, because you can tell by those pictures that she was not happy. If you want something, then you need to actually do something for it, other than sit on your ass and expect me to do all the work.

If you want me to dumb down what I just said, let me spell it out for your feeble mind. I did the whole divorce, my parents paying for your half, I've taken care of Ava with you whinning. Lets me explain further. I had a c-section if you remember, and couldn't really get out of bed. You decided the night before I came home you would throw MY vacumm cleaner up against the wall. You whined when I would ask you to bring Ava to me in bed because I was still sore from, OMG, surgery. You decided one day that YU-GI-OH was more important then your daughter screaming to be fed. You found sleeping on the couch holding a bottle in her mouth while I was out with friend a "proper parenting technique." You wanted me to listen to your mother, who, if I remember correctly lost custody of her youngest and abandoned you. And last month I remember you telling me that you told her to "go to hell." Your sainted father, told me to give my daughter tea and threatened to give her Mountain Dew and loads of chocolate. Yes I made you buy her food, you had three months to get what she needed. In those three months, all you did was harrass and accuse me of everything from leaving you to be with my ex-boyfriend, to wanted my fathers approval.

Im sorry, last time I checked, I was 20 years old, divorced, with a kid. I don't need anyones approval, especially yours. The only approval I need/want, is from Ava, and that tells me that I'm doing the mommy thing well. If you want nothing to do with me then why are you insisting on calling me constantly.

You know, everyone is right, everyone thats ever met you that isnt related to you, and some who are. You talk out of both sides of your mouth, you act just like you "father of the year" and "mommy of the year" who wouldn't have anything to do with you if you just went away one day. Even you said it, they use you for a show, and you think they care about Ava. Lets see, car seat/stroller. I dont know if you remember, but I do, the car accident at the end of February. First, they got the car seat off of FreeCycle, so we didn't know if it was safe. True we shouldn't have used it but we didn't know about laws. They didn't even use their own money for it, they used insurance money.

My parents bought her the majority of the things she needs, and until next month, still do. They are helping me out until I start school and workstudy so that I can better my situation for her. You will never be anymore than you are right now, a little boy playing at being a man. You shouldn't concern yourself with who I am seeing, where I go, or with whom I'm with. I will never drop and run back to you, that would be a mistake, one that I would regret for the rest of my life.

Its pretty sad too, that you had to have your mother clarify what she ate and drank yesterday. The diaper bag, when I got it back, looked like someone had taken inventory of it and didn't think about how to put it back. She left here, with three shirts, the dress she had on, and a fully packed diaper bag. You knew that you had to provide the things she needed other than clothes. I was not about to lend you anything I use for her, its your responsiblity.

You care about her so much, let me ask you this. Why were you asleep for a few hours while you had her? I mean, you hadn't seen her in months, this was your first visit and you slept. You are making about as much sense as your mother. I think you need to go back to Wheatfield, at least its so backwards back there that someone might be able to relate to you.

Your pictures also don't conclude anything, just the fact that you still need to justify things. There is a big difference between our pictures, she is smiling and happy in mine, and complacent in yours. Even with the blurriness and constrast, you can see that she was unhappy, and had cried an awful lot.

Please stop trying to make me feel like the bad guy, because its not going to work. Its quite pathetic and makes you out to be who you really are. You are an immature, self centered, egotistical little boy.

His Journal
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