Yet More Drama

Aug 09, 2005 22:19

Well.... when I thought things might be calm for just a minute, it all acts up again. I'm at home, sitting eating my dinner, watching TV and listening to Ava babble about something and my phone rings. I look down and think "Fucking Hell". The caller ID said it was Andy, and he was the last person I wanted to talk to at that point. I was tired, and had just sat down to dinner. Well, I answered my phone and in my sickly sweet voice "Hello". There was bit of a pause and Andy said "Tell Ava I love her" and hung up. Now this wasn't normal, in fact he sounded overly depressed. I sat there a minute, dumbfounded, and then asked my parents if I should call back. I called back and got no answer. I know how Andy is, he is highly depressed, and with everything going on I was afraid he went over the falls. I sat there, wondering what to do and my dad said if I was that worried to call 311. Well, its Vegas, and I was put on hold, for a while. I hung up, looked over, and called 911. I explained things to the dispatcher, and had the cops sent over to his place. About 45 minutes pass, and after talking it over with my folks I call Andy's parents. I feel its not really my problem if he is having a nervous breakdown, Im no longer his wife. I feel like its their son and they should know something was wrong. Well I explained to Tina what happened and waited. More time passes, and finally Tina calls me. That little son of a bitch desided to have a fucking hissy fit and scared the shit out of me.

No, he couldn't just leave me alone, he feels like I should be involved in his shit. Unless it directly involves Ava I dont really give a fuck. This didn't involve her, its a problem yes, and he needs to take care of it. Im not going to hand hold him through it. I was informed by his mother that it is my problem, that this entire thing is. Well Im sorry that her and her family, i.e., pretend husband/real ex-husband, fucked up son and her dimwitted brain can't figure out what to do. There is this nice thing, its called a shrink. Look them up, get some help, it supposedly helps.

I sit and wonder, what if Ava had been over there. There are so many times I wonder what if where it comes to him with Ava. Im truely worried for her well being and according to his mother I should trust him. When did she become "Mother of the Fucking Year". Last time I checked, her oldest son uses her for money and her youngest doesnt want anything to do with her. Maybe because her youngest knows she is a fucking moron. Oh and don't get me started on her wanna be husband. The man that can't come up with his own problems, but has to pretend to have everyone elses. I call bullshit on 99.9% of what those people say. Calling them any name is actually a disgrace on the other party. Shit is even better than these people.

Oh and I know that Tony and Tina read my journals, I'm not that dumb. I know that sportsmasher is Tony, thus the email address. You think you are so cleaver, Im 20 years old and I'm able to see through you guys. I love it how Im outsmarting people that are suppose to be more intellegent than me, but then again, when you shield yourself from life, how are you suppose to become intellegent. Just some food for thought for you guys.

I'm going to restate something that all three of you seem to not remember. I have a six month old daughter, a person that can't speak for herself. Im the one that has to speak for her, make her decisions and make sure she is taken care of. Collectively, the three of you have proven that you couldn't take care of a paper bag for more than 30 minutes.

I'm honestly tired of the three of your, and I'm going to state this. I don't care whats going on, I don't want to hear from any of you again. Your not even worthy to be called human beings, your are just mass that takes up space, and takes air away from decent people that need it.
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