I spent the afternoon hand-tagging Absolution for submission to
dracoandginny.com! That site was my first taste of Harry Potter fandom and I've always held it in the highest esteem - so high that I can't believe that my writing would be accepted there. I received what amounted to an engraved invitation to submit a few months ago, and since then I've slogged through a series of excuses of why I can't. Now that I perfected my HTML technique and coded everything up, I'm down to "but one of my chapters is only 900 words and the rule is you need 1000, ideally 1500+". So I guess FIA will get the director's cut of chapter two.
I've started posting my Quidditch fic and so far I've only received one "wot is this Neville/Pansy contamination doing in your D/G fic?" message and one "I'll read this N/P despite the D/G it's sitting in" message. Who knew it was so unusual to have two pairings front and centre? I can't seem to ever do right by D/G people, even though I'm one of them. *shrug*