"If you could have anything in world, what would you wish for?"
The Wishbox by
mizbean This story is a must-read, full stop. Seriously, it's that original and entertaining. It's a fantastical premise woven seamlessly through canon, it's funny, it's poignant, it's heartbreaking, and it's a fable at heart. Young Draco Malfoy receives a wishbox for his birthday and he's as spoiled and snotty as you would expect. Blaise is Draco's frenemy and Pansy is fierce as hell. There's also a lot of heart-rending interactions between Draco and Dobby. The fic runs from Draco's fifth birthday through DH to an EWE ending in 11 000 words, and if this story hasn't thorougly charmed you by the end of Draco's birthday party, well, you're probably afflicted with some sort of disorder.
Read this.