SOLDIER's Guided Tours - Destination: Saburra Desert

May 19, 2011 02:07

Who: The Desert Expedition
Where: Starting at Lake Meridian and progressing into the Saburra Desert
Style: Prose/Action tags [pick your preference, although action tags do go faster!]
Status: Open to anyone who responded ICly to Sephiroth's invitation. [And the invitation is still open! If you want your pup to participate, let the General know on the Dreamberry entry and then jump in somewhere in the threads below!]

Early morning. The best time of day for an ambush. Sephiroth snorted, shaking his head as he stared out over the lake. Not even the fish were jumping at this hour. Well, it was about three thirty in the morning, but he'd been adamant that they leave early, before the sun's head became too unbearable to even move, much less trek through the dunes beyond the city.

Spying his subordinate and best friend shuffling up, his yawning face resembling an open warehouse door, Sephiroth had to stifle his snicker. Zack Fair did not care for waking up so early. But he'd been adamant to go, and with no sacrifice came no glory.

"You could have stayed at home, nice and warm in bed, you know."

"And leave you to have all the fun? Yeah--" Zack broke off, not bothering to smother his yawn. "Yeah right, Seph."

The General chuckled, giving the pup a hair ruffle and a light cuff to the back of his neck as he, for what seemed the thousandth time, checked over their supplies, then ran his hand over the hilt of the sheathed Masamune strapped to his back.

"Well, I've no doubt you'll have all the fun you can stand and then some." Sephiroth's rare humor glinted as he added, "Trudging through knee-deep sand, fighting off sand fleas and battling Shiva-only-knows what's out there." But he couldn't help the grin. "Exciting, isn't it?"

Zack, tapping his boots against the pavement to be sure they wouldn't come loose during the trek, only grinned in the face of The General's humor. Even tired as he was, Zack could appreciate how rare a thing it was.

"Just so long as it's not Tonberries. I'm pretty sure even you wouldn't find those fun or exciting to deal with." Zack wasn't really speaking from experience, no. He just hated the little devils and hoped being stuck in Somarium kept him far away from them.

Sephiroth grunted agreement; no, he was looking for bigger game this go around. Something to take off the edge. And he'd be lying to himself if he believed this little excursion had naught to do with his most recent and terrifying nightmare. The one from which he almost never woke.

But such were thoughts for another day. He had a job to do, a mission to lead.

"Well," he said to Zack, gazing back into the city as they waited for the rest of their little cadre to arrive, "here's hoping."

[Notes: The comments below are for trekkers to utilize as they will. Feel free to post action tags or prose comments in each of the "situations" given below. There will be "MONSTER ATTACK" comments listed later, when the second half of the log begins. Cut in, cut up, go as nuts as you like, but not too wild, please. There are monsters out there! Any questions, feel free to hit up the ooc notice. Erm, and also, have fun?!]

rose lalonde, clive dove, sephiroth, zack fair, genesis rhapsodos, aqua, solid snake

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