Youth Card

May 19, 2011 15:28

Who: Lloyd Irving and somarium
Where: Lake Meridian
Style: Either!
Status: Open!
Note: Feel free to respond via action or Dreamberry~

[All he'd done was find a card. He'd had no idea what it was, but the only other card he'd used had played a dream he hadn't dreamed and let him relive a memory. A slot had opened on his Dreamberry as soon as he'd picked it up, and, curious, he'd done the thoughtless, logical thing and stuck the card right in--]

[--the Dreamberry comes on in time to catch a panicked gasp of shock.]

Wh-where am I?!

[The six year old boy holding the Dreamberry whirls around, not even paying attention to the thing in his hand, which he'd accidentally turned on. His brown eyes widen when he realizes - he doesn't recognize anything. There's water, but it's not the beach, and those aren't the trees around his house!

Okay. Okay, Lloyd, calm down. He just got a little lost. He'll figure this out. His house can't be too far, right? And his Dad... his Dad should be around. But which direction to go...?]


saki mikajima, zelos wilder, haseo, sheena fujibayashi, kratos aurion, emil castagnier, rise kujikawa, colette brunel, dino cavallone, !location: lake meridian, lloyd irving

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