Setsuna ♣ 003 Fortune Telling House

Apr 16, 2011 00:54

Who: Setsuna and somarium.
When: 16th April, 9am-5pm.
Where: Fortune Telling House, Somni.
Style: First
Status: Open

[If your character has visited Somni in the past couple of weeks, you may have heard whispers of the Fortune Telling House. The story goes that somewhere within Somni there is a run-down Victorian mansion that is home to a fortune teller, and that her readings are uncannily accurate.

The rumours are indeed true, and playing the role of the fortune teller is Setsuna. For a mere 5DP she will perform a reading for your character. This can be in the form of a general forecast into your future, or the answer to a specific question.

The Fortune Telling House itself is certainly as mysterious and spooky as the rumours imply. There are no signs on the outside, and the interior is dim and lifeless. The front door even opens with a loud, omnious creaking.

Setsuna will meet your character after you have entered, clad in her hooded fortune teller robe that still manages to fit into the whole 1920s theme.]

!location: somni, eas

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