Luke - [001]

Apr 15, 2011 18:36

Who: Luke and anyone who wants to meet him!
Where: Somni and Espoir. He'll be wandering around everywhere.
Style: Either
Status: OPEN

Luke didn't have time to waste. There was a mystery at hand, and the sooner it could be solved, the better. What better way was there to start an investigation then to ask around? Maybe there would be witnesses nearby that could give him vital hints. So, with his notebook and pen in hand, Luke was wandering around, with little sense of his direction, politely asking most of the people he passed the same question.

"Excuse me? Sorry to bother you, but have you seen a really tall man wearing a top-hat anywhere around here recently?"

It was convenient that the Professor's fashion didn't seem too popular in this world, or else his hat wouldn't be such a good clue for finding him.

professor hershel layton, !location: somni, clive dove, renge houshakuji, !location: espoir, ema skye

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