Raiden ∆ 006 | Safety Point, The Court House

Jan 24, 2009 02:44

Who: Raiden, Edgeworth, Anyone Else Who Needs Shelter From The Storm
Where: Somni
Style: First or Third
Status: OPEN OPEN OPEN OPEN. If you're still out in the storm, then you need shelter. Get the hell inside. The courthouse is stable. You may run into some scary soldiers, but hey, doesn't that make it more fun?

Raiden led a very shell-shocked ( Read more... )

!event: naturaldisasters, otacon, ema skye, kamina, xelloss, raiden, asch the bloody, vamp, estelle sidos, luke fon fabre, harley quinn, !location: somni, trucy wright, miles edgeworth, !location: courthouse, phoenix wright, flynn scifo, legretta the quick, fuu hououji

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slammingtables January 25 2009, 03:46:04 UTC
Phoenix fled into the nearest building, not knowing about these so-called Safe Zones and whatnot. He didn't even realize that he had stepped into a courthouse, only wanting to avoid getting any wetter than he already was.

"Yechhh, that was a nasty earthquake earlier," Phoenix muttered to himself, wringing water out of his jacket. "I wonder how Edgeworth held up..."

Probably not very well, was what ran through Phoenix's mind the next minute. With a sigh, he took a good look around the place, only to find that he wasn't the only one seeking shelter from the storm.


magictrucygirl January 25 2009, 05:10:24 UTC
Trucy was soaked. There wasn't any other way to describe her state; her magician's cape clung to her body and her best silk hat was ruined plus, to top it all off she was chilled to the bone. After wandering for a while, she decided that even if she adored playing outside in the rain, she wasn't likely to make it back to her apartment in this weather.

She had only entered the courthouse and brightened when she noticed a familiar spiky haired man. "Daddy!"


slammingtables January 25 2009, 05:17:50 UTC
Phoenix turned on his heels immediately, as soon as he heard Trucy's voice.

"T-Trucy! You're... you're all wet!" he said, walking towards her. "You're gonna catch a death of a cold."

He was thinking of offering his own jacket, but it was just as wet. Well, probably not as wet, but still. He bit his lip, wondering what a real dad would do in this situation.

"Here, give me your uh... cape," he said, extending a hand. "Wearing a wet cape will only make you colder, so it would be best to remove it and let it dry a little."


magictrucygirl January 25 2009, 05:26:13 UTC
The girl hadn't really registered the fact that she was cold until Phoenix offered to take her cape. Reluctantly, Trucy unclapsed her cape from around her shoulders and passed it to him emitting a little sneeze.

"Even if we dried my cape, I don't think we'll be able to save my hat," pouted Trucy as she removed her blue magician's hat from her head. Hopefully she could pull another one out of her magic panties...


slammingtables January 25 2009, 05:33:45 UTC
Phoenix took the cape and started to wring the water out of it. He hated to think that he was ruining her good clothes, but there really was no other choice. There wasn't too much water soaked into the fabric, so he just set it aside somewhere to dry for the time being. Must be made of synthetic fibers.

"Eh, your hat, huh?" He glanced at the slightly soggy silk hat. There seemed to be little hope for recovery.


magictrucygirl January 25 2009, 05:56:07 UTC
"And it was the one that we went out to buy for my Wonder Bar debut!" Trucy sighed and gave the hat a melancholy look before tucking it into her blue bag.

She regretted not packing another cape in there or a jacket even; without her cape she was left wearing her black dress which was soaked. She sneezed again before zipping the bag shut with another sigh.


slammingtables January 26 2009, 05:58:31 UTC
Phoenix felt so bad for her. He tried to dry the cape the best he could, but it was still wet. He felt his jacket and decided it was better than nothing.

"Here, Trucy," he said, draping the jacket around her shoulders. "This isn't that great, but it's better than nothing."


magictrucygirl January 27 2009, 05:32:13 UTC
It was weird wearing Phoenix's old blue jacket, let alone seeing it. Trucy remembered slowly watching as her Daddy stopped putting on the suit every morning and started reverting to what she was so used to seeing. She smiled slightly and tugged it closer around her shoulder; it was nice seeing it again.

"It's fine, Daddy! In fact its better than great!"


slammingtables January 28 2009, 21:48:35 UTC
"Grood- I mean, that's great," Phoenix said, fumbling with his words. "Good and great..."

Maybe it was her utterly sweet nature that caught him off guard, but he found himself wondering if just maybe... nah. It just couldn't be. Shaking the thoughts from his head, he decided exploring his new surroundings would be the best thing to do.

"Trucy, do you know where we are?"


magictrucygirl January 28 2009, 22:17:33 UTC
"Not really," Trucy answered truthfully. She hadn't been really paying attention to her surroundings when the storm had started - she had been too occupied just trying to find shelter somewhere.

As she glanced around, she did recognize her surroundings though. "But it looks like we're a court house or something. I bet you feel right at home don't you, Daddy?"


slammingtables January 28 2009, 22:49:55 UTC
"I suppose I did feel a hint of familiarity when I got in here," said Phoenix with a nod. "It's a rather large court house, then... I wonder if people actually work here?"

Judging by how strange and chaotic this "world" was, he highly doubted that a proper legal system actually existed here. Much less a proper government and whatnot.


magictrucygirl January 28 2009, 23:13:59 UTC
"When Mr. Gavin was here he lived here I think," Trucy replied not really thinking about what she was saying. "But you know Daddy, you should take initiative! You should start up another law office here!"

Trucy had often found herself bored, and if Phoenix started an office up she'd have something to do! Her blue eyes sparkled, "And there's a prosecutor here too so you two could be rivals! Think of possibilities, Daddy!”


slammingtables January 29 2009, 00:42:45 UTC
'Whoever that is,' thought Phoenix. "A new law office, huh? You think people actually need one here? It seems so... law-less. Like against the laws of physics kinda law-less."

She seemed to excited, and seemed to know at least a bit of the world of lawyers. She met Edgeworth, apparently. He was the only prosecutor he could think of that he's met so far, unless there were others.

'Why do I feel so alone on the defense all of a sudden?!' Phoenix thought to himself, scratching his neck nervously.


magictrucygirl January 29 2009, 00:54:50 UTC
"You never know, Daddy! And if you didn't, and someone did need help, it wouldn't be there!" Trucy rambled on. There were tons of old buildings that could always serve great as a law office. It would take time but she was sure she could make it look amazing.

"Plus, Mr. Edgeworth doesn't seem like the type to not stay busy. You two are gonna have a lot of time on your hands."


slammingtables January 30 2009, 07:23:26 UTC
"True, true," said Phoenix, rubbing his chin thoughfully. "I suppose it wouldn't hurt to bring my work with me to a foreign city, get my name out there, and help more people."

There was no real downside to this plan, even if he wasn't 100% sure about the idea, but it was probably a lot better than just sitting around moping.


magictrucygirl January 30 2009, 18:44:08 UTC
Trucy nodded, grinning at everything Phoenix had said. "And the best part is, you would get dreams as payment! I can't wait! We'd have to ask the person who lives here right now to use the court house though."

The magician made a mental note to get started on looking for an appropriate location for the office once the rain let up. She would of course have to take her Daddy along; even if his choice of decoration was slightly questionable, he would be working there too!


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