Raiden ∆ 006 | Safety Point, The Court House

Jan 24, 2009 02:44

Who: Raiden, Edgeworth, Anyone Else Who Needs Shelter From The Storm
Where: Somni
Style: First or Third
Status: OPEN OPEN OPEN OPEN. If you're still out in the storm, then you need shelter. Get the hell inside. The courthouse is stable. You may run into some scary soldiers, but hey, doesn't that make it more fun?

Raiden led a very shell-shocked ( Read more... )

!event: naturaldisasters, otacon, ema skye, kamina, xelloss, raiden, asch the bloody, vamp, estelle sidos, luke fon fabre, harley quinn, !location: somni, trucy wright, miles edgeworth, !location: courthouse, phoenix wright, flynn scifo, legretta the quick, fuu hououji

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Comments 221

battyclowngirl January 24 2009, 15:36:51 UTC
Harley was just running around aimlessly through the streets, not sure of where to go now that her home was ruined. All she knew was that she wanted to get out of this black, icky rain, but it looked like a lot of the buildings had tumbled over into piles of rubble and would be unsafe to hide under.

"Gaaaaaah, there has to be some place..." she whined. Looking up ahead, she couldn't tell what it was in the dark, but it looked like it might be the only place that was still completely in tact for a few miles. Figuring that she didn't have much to lose, she ran up to it, opened the door and went in.


subsisted January 24 2009, 19:32:44 UTC
The front foyer inside of the courthouse was dark and empty. The only evidence that people went through this way were the dark, blackened puddles of wetness, presumably trailed in by two pairs of footprints from the storm outside.

There was a light on in a distant room. Harley could probably see the light filtering in from the other end of the courthouse - just a sliver. If she listened closely, she's hear the clank of someone frustratingly dropping a metallic object to the floor.

Raiden was making a quick check of his knives in the defense lobby, and it seemed as if a one of them was rather beat-up from the tumble he took off a Somni building roof during the earthquake.


battyclowngirl January 24 2009, 21:16:09 UTC
Harley was only expecting an empty building, so as soon as she was inside she made no effort of being quiet as she attempted to get herself dry.

"Ewww... wet, sticky, wet, sticky, wet, sticky, wet..." For whatever reason, she thought shaking, flailing about and brushing the black liquid off her clothes would work.


subsisted January 24 2009, 22:36:05 UTC
Raiden froze, exhaled. If Harley were paying attention, she would notice that the light abruptly went out. There were a few scraping sounds and then no further sound.

All was still....


entropygoggles January 24 2009, 17:26:28 UTC
Ema, still searching for someplace warm and dry to take shelter in, came across the large Courthouse. Though she couldn't tell what it was through the dark, abnormal rain, it looked like it would be safe. From what she could make out, the structure seemed rather stable. Scientifically speaking, of course. Since she had no idea where else she could take shelter, and was not too fond of the idea of walking back in the rain to her apartment, Ema approached the building, opened up the door carefully, and quickly went inside.

Looking around, she could tell it was a courthouse of some sort, which was a plus for her. After turning to close the door, Ema went further into the courthouse, looking for any other people that she could sit and wait with.


subsisted January 24 2009, 19:35:25 UTC
There was a light on in the courthouse's defense lobby.

If Ema were to enter, she would find a certain very wet cyborg busy at work attempting to clean off and dry his beat-up and blackened visor with a small, dirtied cloth. He could hardly see out of it anymore...


entropygoggles January 24 2009, 22:14:15 UTC
The light caught her attention and, following the thought that light = someone inside, Ema cautiously walked into the defense lobby and stared at what she saw there. She couldn't tell if it was a robot or a person, but from where she was standing, it looked more like a robot. A very advanced, high-quality robot, but a robot nonetheless. She walked quietly over to the robot-man, slightly wary of it, in case it decided to attack her. You could never be too careful around robot-esque things, after all.

"Um... Excuse me. Is this your house?" She asked. "Do you want help with that?" she added as an afterthought after getting a better view of what the man was doing.


subsisted January 24 2009, 22:33:14 UTC

Raiden looked up and over his shoulder from the visor in his hands. He seemed totally unsurprised by the girl's entrance; it was likely he heard her step inside the courthouse before she got to the defense lobby. The footfalls sounded nothing like Vamp's, so Raiden had nothing to worry about...

But it was only when Raiden got a good look at the new guest that he noticed how young she was. Hm.

"I don't have a house," he murmured. "There's plenty of space; you can take shelter from the storm here." Raiden attended back to the smudges on his visor, rubbing at them persistently. "I've got it."


tabi_no_yume January 24 2009, 23:26:42 UTC
Just as that man had said, the court house seemed to be a good place to take shelter from the rain and seemed stable enough to stay in one peice if another earthquake were to strike.

After entering the place she found it to be rather large, though dark, still there wasn't much she could do until the weather got better so she started to wander and see if there was anyone else.


sadomasochrist January 25 2009, 05:18:54 UTC
As if by some mystical cue, a window near where Kino was walking suddenly shattered as a man threw his entire body through it. He rolled across the floor, not at all minding the shards of glass that were embedded in his chest, arms and face as he came to a halt in front of her. The man moved into a crouch, locking his eyes on Kino. A soft growl came from the back of his throat; not a threatening one simply one of annoyance (likely due to all the glass sticking in him). He didn't recognize this girl but she didn't smell like a threat. He remained in his crouch as he spoke,

"...The Undying Man. Is he here?"


tabi_no_yume January 25 2009, 05:30:07 UTC
Kino's hand went to her gun the instant the window had shattered. Upon seeing the man she had been tempted to draw it right there and then, but sensing no treath from him she simply stared at him, a questioning look on her face.

"The undying man?"


sadomasochrist January 25 2009, 05:35:11 UTC
Vamp nodded, making another growl as he rose up to his feet, standing as his full, impressive height.

"The mechanical man. A cyborg; The Undying Man."


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emeraldtyphoon January 25 2009, 06:30:23 UTC
"I may be able to help as well," Fuu added, raising her hand slightly to draw attention to herself. She had, unlike Flynn, put her armor on over the dry set of clothes that she had picked up, since it was light enough and had already mostly dried during their game of cards.

"What a lovely building," she commented, taking a look around them. "I hope the earthquake didn't harm it badly."


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tricky_mazoku January 25 2009, 18:26:47 UTC
Unbeknownst to the two courthouse visitors, a man (?) flickered and appeared directly behind them, a chipper smile on his face. He followed the pair silently for a few moments, eavesdropping on their conversation before finally interrupting:

"Ah, I assure you, this building sustained minimal damage during the earthquake. You are quite safe here for now!"


slammingtables January 25 2009, 03:46:04 UTC
Phoenix fled into the nearest building, not knowing about these so-called Safe Zones and whatnot. He didn't even realize that he had stepped into a courthouse, only wanting to avoid getting any wetter than he already was.

"Yechhh, that was a nasty earthquake earlier," Phoenix muttered to himself, wringing water out of his jacket. "I wonder how Edgeworth held up..."

Probably not very well, was what ran through Phoenix's mind the next minute. With a sigh, he took a good look around the place, only to find that he wasn't the only one seeking shelter from the storm.


magictrucygirl January 25 2009, 05:10:24 UTC
Trucy was soaked. There wasn't any other way to describe her state; her magician's cape clung to her body and her best silk hat was ruined plus, to top it all off she was chilled to the bone. After wandering for a while, she decided that even if she adored playing outside in the rain, she wasn't likely to make it back to her apartment in this weather.

She had only entered the courthouse and brightened when she noticed a familiar spiky haired man. "Daddy!"


slammingtables January 25 2009, 05:17:50 UTC
Phoenix turned on his heels immediately, as soon as he heard Trucy's voice.

"T-Trucy! You're... you're all wet!" he said, walking towards her. "You're gonna catch a death of a cold."

He was thinking of offering his own jacket, but it was just as wet. Well, probably not as wet, but still. He bit his lip, wondering what a real dad would do in this situation.

"Here, give me your uh... cape," he said, extending a hand. "Wearing a wet cape will only make you colder, so it would be best to remove it and let it dry a little."


magictrucygirl January 25 2009, 05:26:13 UTC
The girl hadn't really registered the fact that she was cold until Phoenix offered to take her cape. Reluctantly, Trucy unclapsed her cape from around her shoulders and passed it to him emitting a little sneeze.

"Even if we dried my cape, I don't think we'll be able to save my hat," pouted Trucy as she removed her blue magician's hat from her head. Hopefully she could pull another one out of her magic panties...


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