headless rider, v.

Oct 18, 2010 18:08

( Who: ) headsomewhere and somarium
( Where: ) The City; Somni (shopping district.)
( When: ) Few days after this thread and after she talks to a waking up Mikado.
( Style: ) First or third, your choice!
( Status: ) open!
( Warning: ) There is a high chance you may get your face pulled and/or get pepper sprayed.

it's always best to be prepared )

daisuke jigen, toothless, kasuka heiwajima, roronoa zoro, izaya orihara, shizuo heiwajima, !location: espoir, celty sturluson

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Comments 66

unindicative October 19 2010, 01:25:03 UTC
[Kasuka's not sure what's going on, but this is also Kasuka we're talking about, so he's hardly freaked out. And keeping a sufficient amount of groceries is always good! So this would be him in the area when he spots Celty.]


[... Isn't that the Headless Rider?]


headsomewhere October 19 2010, 05:49:46 UTC
[She seems to be keeping a slight distance with some people, before she spots the the Heiwajima sibling.]

[she isn't sure if she should approach, she should say hi but .....aliens.. have a wave though.]


unindicative October 19 2010, 11:57:42 UTC
[...? He waves back. would they know each other already through Shizuo orz]


headsomewhere October 19 2010, 13:12:55 UTC
[i'm guessing they would orz like, acquaintances She's looking around, almost as if expecting to see Shizuo nearby.]


m19_lover October 19 2010, 18:14:32 UTC
[Now that Jigen has a place to call 'home', he better stock on some supplies, right? Those sweet breads he got yesterday didn't really last as long as they were supposed to. Well, they were really delicious. he just couldn't resist!

Finally being able to figure out how the map function on the Dreamberry works, getting to the grocery was piece of cake. Now he's walking there, mumbling to himself and thinking about what he should be taking.]

Maybe some if this... and some of that...

[He's piling up stuff inside some basket, not really taking into account his surroundings and focusing on the food only.

And he's 'lucky' enough to bump on Celty.]


headsomewhere October 20 2010, 01:41:07 UTC
[Meanwhile Celty is good on stocking up on food, at the same time thankfully not being surprise attacked by an alien! She was probably worrying over nothing! If there really was aliens here-- ..well there was that creepy voice earlier..

right, now she's on guard again, moving quickly to just head home after paying. She'll probably just take a bath and relax, today has just been such a long day damnit Shinra where are you? You never told her!

that was of course, if she hadn't bumped into (which was likely an innocent civilian) sorry Jigen, you're getting pepper sprayed.]


m19_lover October 20 2010, 02:05:52 UTC
[And to the floor goes his basket, as he lets it go so then he can rub his eyes.]

What the...! GOD, THAT BURNS LIKE FUCK!!!!

[He isn't really giving a damn about politeness right now because HIS EYES ARE ON FIRE.]



headsomewhere October 20 2010, 02:22:26 UTC
[oh great, all she did was make the alien angry! this is her cue to run for it! so she's doing just that before he it can see again]


how do you feel about dragons, Celty? hasnoteefs October 19 2010, 21:55:59 UTC
Clearly Somarium just has it in for you today, Celty, because rounding a nearby corner as you go to head inside of the grocery store is none other than Toothless. He may not be an alien, but he is most assuredly a large, greyishblack and blue dragon. Which might very well be more frightening than aliens and traffic cops. Even if he truly doesn't mean to alarm anybody unless they alarm him first.

Regardless, he hasn't entirely noticed you yet, he's still plodding around the corner at a leisurely quadrupedal gait, sniffing the air and taking in the sights. He's still getting used to being able to wander around and not get axes hurled at his head.


I want, but not sure about her. /cries. headsomewhere October 20 2010, 01:54:08 UTC
To the Headless rider, nothing is scarier than aliens and traffic cops. In her thoughts she has everything remembered to get, but just in case she's made a list to which she is looking at in her hand. Everything seemed pretty easy to get and she's recognized what is where with the countless times she's come in here for the past few months. ..To think she's been here that long is a rather odd thought. Oh, but she senses something different from what she's used to, and she turns in the direction to--

...An alien!?

She's frozen in fear, sorry Toothless but you're being mistaken for a huge giant man-eating alien.

I've seen something like this in one episode! It's going to-! She's looking around, back to her motorcycle and back to the 'alien' before taking quiet cautious steps back to her motorcycle. Food will just have to wait for another day, right now she's intent on driving back home and burying herself in a cocoon.


PFFFFT. He's kind of like your motorcycle pony, Celty! Promise. hasnoteefs October 20 2010, 02:07:06 UTC
What on earth would you do if you came across an alien traffic cop, Celty. I think your world would just end and implode and everything would be so terrible.

Toothless finally turned and noticed Celty, blinking owlishly and the smooth-clothed, helmeted human... female. He tilted his head. What an unusual creature. Sitting, and being very careful to keep his stance open and friendly (he had had more than enough of spooking humans and shrieking women and people like Javert and their shiny weapons of unknown origin, thank you), his ears perked. He wasn't moving any closer to her, letting her back up toward her strange human transportation device, eventually offering a sort of curious clicking sound.


Well a cute alien is a start? misunderstanding forever. :|b headsomewhere October 20 2010, 02:40:12 UTC
That would be the worst nightmare ever. She would hide in a cocoon forever.

Celty jumps slightly at the clicking sound, frozen in her steps. It had sat down and was just watching her now-- was it trying to communicate with her? Or maybe it was trying to decide how to eat her!? Well it wasn't like she could just talk to it,and she was not going to get close enough to show it her Dreamberry. What if it ate her Dreamberry? Then she'd lose contact with everyone! She couldn't take the chances.

She stops by her motorcycle, very much ready to get on and take off if it made any sudden moves. She's terrified yes, almost to the point she was frozen on the spot, but for an alien this was.. was cute the word? But thinking an alien is cute isn't right, they're suppose to be ugly and slimy and creepy-looking!


strayswordsman October 20 2010, 03:42:08 UTC
[Zoro slept like a baby through the whole bellowing statue business, so he's got no idea why anyone would be jumpy right now.

The green-haired swordsman may startle Celty by banging carelessly out of the grocery store just as she's about to come inside, though, swigging some cheap beer as he goes. :|b]


headsomewhere October 20 2010, 05:07:00 UTC
[victim number two of pepper spray is a go. :|b will you be able to take it Zoro?]


strayswordsman October 20 2010, 05:14:54 UTC
Ugh-the fuck-!

[Luckily, Zoro has reflexes like whoa, so he's jerking back and throwing up a hand as well as scrunching his eyes shut even she sprays. Only a few droplets get in. ...Those few droplets, however, are quite enough to have him scrubbing at his reddened, watering eyes and hissing in pain. :|a

He's also dropped his bottle of booze to shatter on the ground, which he won't be happy about, later-not that he's exactly pleased at the moment. As evidenced by him whipping out a katana and swinging blindly, swearing like a sailor at the random attack. Or like a pirate, I mean. :|a]


headsomewhere October 20 2010, 05:48:33 UTC
[she got him-?! well the way he's reacting, she's convinced she did. the sudden collision alarmed her so much she just reacted with the pepper spray, it was a sudden attack that she didn't know what else to do. what she doesn't expect is for a katana to sudden be swung around! an alien using a weapon!?

she takes a sudden step back, however the katana does slash at her arm to which smoke is quick to emit from him with a flash of blood but she's not worrying too much about the pain. all she needs to focus on is getting back to her motorcycle and getting out of here!!]


dreamhunts October 21 2010, 01:30:45 UTC
[ Izaya is just about to leave the store, shopping bags in tow. He walks toward the door as Celty enters and tilts his head. She looked off somehow. Perhaps something had happened? The fearfulness in her body language was obvious to him, which made him wonder if she was on the look out for something in particular. Of course, it was a relief of sorts to run into her after the cat incident. Unlike Shizuo, she was logical and information could be gained when conversing with her. ]

Ah, Celty-san. Glad to see you looking like yourself again.


headsomewhere October 21 2010, 01:41:27 UTC
[She nearly jumps at the voice, casting a 'glance' over to him. Had he bumped into her he would have gotten a face full of pepper spray. Still, she had her dream a bit into mind and adding that to her recent addition of information about this place-- she was going to be very careful with him. She seems to be watching him closely, before she types on her PDA and tries to extend her hand as far as she can without getting any closer. Meanwhile telling herself not to act so suspicious.]

I changed back about four days after the situation. |


dreamhunts October 21 2010, 01:52:17 UTC
That's what I heard, but it's still nice to see with my own two eyes.

I take it you've met up with Shinra again since he's returned? He was going on and on about some nonsense regarding you staying with Shizu-chan, so I assume if you've seen him he's gotten a number of jabs to the gut.

[ He doesn't comment on her jumpiness just yet but he's observing her curiously, and probably won't end the conversation without at least some mention of it. ]


headsomewhere October 21 2010, 03:12:20 UTC
[Met up with Shinra? No, she hasn't yet which admittedly worries her a little. She keeps thinking he's gone back home, anxiously waiting for his next reply or text or something. Okay so maybe Izaya's words were distracting her from the stake at hand about aliens and all that, she couldn't help but reply]

Staying with Shizuo? He got his own place a while back.

[..though, this is Izaya she's talking to, so maybe he knows something]

You wouldn't happen to know where Shinra is, do you? Or where he's staying? |


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