Who: Cid Highwind, whoever answered
this post, and hell,
Where: Cid's Hangar at the floating mountain
Style: First for ease
Status: Mostly open??
[he had no idea how successful the SkyRunners would be, and hell, he had no idea if any of these volunteers would crash them and set them back to square one. but that was the risk that just came along with the territory.
be a good way to see if the safety features worked. ...they did install those right? oh well, they're a tough bunch. and if not, well they probably shouldn't be on those things anyway.
but it was a clear day and they had plenty of space to work with. all the preliminary tests were "Go" and so long as no one was an idiot and tried to fly straight off the edge of the mountain, they should be all right.]
Let's get this show on the road, folks!
[ooc: all right, two threads! one is for the SkyRunners test flight, and the other is general mingling/gawk at the airship inside the hangar.
if you have no idea what you're doing, that's okay, neither do I :Da; oh, it's okay if your character crashes the vehicle. it's bound to happen. Cid will just make that character stay and fix it. or, in the case it would probably better if they didn't, be forced to do "deck" duty, which in this case would be cleaning out the hangar and all that jazz. ever washed an airship? no? then it'll be your lucky day 8D
if you have any questions at any time while threading, feel free to leave an ooc note in the comment and I'll respond. ALSO -- feel free to mingle with each other and go crazy!]