video ✈ 006

Oct 13, 2010 18:23

[muttering under his breath something like "Can't believe I gotta do this" or something like that. anyway, those who happen to see this broadcast will have a grand view of a rather grumpy Cid what else is new standing in what looks to be a giant warehouse. there's some mechanic noise in the background, but for the most part whatever he says can be heard clearly.

behind Cid, one may notice four motorcycle-like vehicles. however, there will be something rather distinctive about them: 1) they have now wheels, and 2) they're hovering off the ground. ladies and gents of Somarium, Cid brings you the new line of transportation technology: hovercycles! hover motorcycles! ...something like that, they have an official name.]

Since I can't have Kara do all the work, and I gotta make sure everythin's workin' from the ground, I'll take whoever the hell wants to try one of these babies. They're called SkyRunners, and if ya break it, expect a spear shoved up yer ass, so better know what yer doin'.

While I'm at it, since my crew's been cut by over half [mutters something about stupid Somarium and disappearances and lousy dummy crews (referencing the NPCs)] if anyone knows jack about anything mechanic, especially anythin' about flyin', talk ta me. I got an airship that's almost finished but it ain't gonna run on its own.

[have a brief view of that something that was poking in view before. that would be a very, very large still unfinished airship. The outside frame is completed, and cranes and scaffolding are all over the place, but it's obvious that while almost complete, it's still a work in progress. just wait until the test flight.]

She's a beaut' ain't she? S'called The Dreamcatcher. Ain't as great as the Shera, but it'll do. I'm guessin' we can get this done within the next month, but wouldn't mind some extra hands on deck. Still don't know if this thing can fly, but we got some good small-scale test runs.

[ooc: those unfamiliar with airships of the Final Fantasy brand, the one he has is a much smaller version of the Shera, and probably looks more like a hybrid with the Highwind and yes he totally has that chick somewhere painted on/in there. it just wouldn't be right with out it. it's still about as big as a standard plane, possibly slightly bigger. he had limited tools to work with okay >_> but he's been at this for pretty much his whole almost-year stay in Somarium.

anyone's free to respond o/ anyone want to actually design either of these things?]

the dreamcatcher, need to build a plane here, !video, progress at its finest, to infinity and beyond! okay not, need some crewmates stat, you know you wanna fly, can't stay grounded forever, guinea pigs wanted, airships, skyrunners, this is what he does all day

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