Atsuro ☈ 007 - turnips snipe at tomatoes

Jul 05, 2010 17:51

Who: Atsuro and OPEN
Where: Your kitchen sink. Actually.
Style: Either or \o/ (starting in first =3)
Status: your kitchen sink. idek.


[Groaning is a perfectly acceptable reaction when waking up in an uncomfortable position. An uncomfortable position such as being jammed into some place far too small for a nap ( Read more... )

apollo, gareki, rena ryuugu, rita mordio, sain, anri sonohara, atsuro kihara, ken hidaka

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Comments 177

[1/2] kyudousha July 5 2010, 22:00:54 UTC
[. . .]


[2/2] kyudousha July 5 2010, 22:01:19 UTC
[Aaaand she reaches over and turns on the tap. :|]


[1/3] | <3 47_l0w July 6 2010, 00:20:05 UTC
[First reaction:

Oh shi-- it's Rita. Rita.]


[2/3] 47_l0w July 6 2010, 00:21:10 UTC
[Step two:

Wait. Wait. What had she said about fire balling and the next time he randomly showed up--

Commence flail:]

Th-this isn't my --


circusmisfit July 5 2010, 22:03:17 UTC
[Blame Apollo for everything. And for this, Gareki has no words. He was just about to head out of the house on another Search-for-Nai quest when he passed by the kitchen and... What the hell.]

No, more like you've got to be kidding me.

[Not angry just... exhausted. What does he even say to this-]


47_l0w July 6 2010, 00:24:48 UTC
[Yup \o/ Oh. Hey. It's you. Just. Mental facepalm goes here.

As well as awkward pushing self out of sink. It is harder than it looks =|]

Believe me, this wasn't my idea.

[Well. At least you're not yelling at him or anything.]


circusmisfit July 6 2010, 00:49:21 UTC
I was hoping you're not that much of an idiot anyway.

[... staring for a moment before he gives in to being a nice guy underneath all that tsuntsuntsunning. Offering a hand now. Just get out of his sink, Atsuro.]


47_l0w July 6 2010, 00:56:23 UTC
[He'll be taking that hand. And pulling himself out.]


...I'll ignore the part about being an idiot.


insorrow July 5 2010, 22:12:24 UTC

[First Ken wakes up and as soon as he checks the Dreamberry to try and work out what time it is he finds out it's sometime in July. Then he can't find Omi's name in the contact list but can see a video from Aya saying that he's in charge of Nectar now, and while Ken knows what that means he finds he's wondering what the Hell that means anyway. Then there's this crystal... thing by his bed. The fact that he's not at all worried about how it got there or how whoever dropped it there knew to make it look like that in the first place makes Ken feel very worried indeed.

[And then he goes into the kitchen in the hope that caffeine or at the very least a sports drink will make at least some of this make some vague kind of sense and there's a dude in his sink. Not at his sink, in his sink. How is he supposed to fill the kettle now? Seriously, Somarium?




... I'm going back to bed.


LOL. Just LOL 47_l0w July 6 2010, 00:31:37 UTC
[Yes, because filling the kettle is the most of anyone's concerns right now, Ken =|

Struggle struggle goddamn he wants out of this sink - flop. Fail. Oh. Guy whose sink he must be in.

Damn, this sucks.]

Sorry... I'll be out of here as soon as I can.

[If his attempts thus far are any indication... IT won't be anytime soon.]


I aim to please. XD insorrow July 6 2010, 00:53:19 UTC
[Is he stuck?

[... yeah, it's starting to look like this guy is stuck. This is not going to be a good day, is it?

[Ken wonders if he should offer him a hand, then decides - well, maybe not just yet. It must be embarrassing enough to be stuck in the sink in the first place without some guy in his pajamas trying to unstick you. He steps back a bit, leaning against one of the countertops in the vague hope that all this guy needs to get out of the sink is a bit of space. This is probably massively optimistic of him. Ken's good at that.

[As regards being out of there as fast as he can, well. There's an obvious response to that. Might not be entirely appropriate, but... well, this guy's in his sink. Curiosity prevails, as it so often does with Ken.]

How did you even get in there?


47_l0w July 6 2010, 01:06:15 UTC
[...Yes, he's stuck.

Sort of. He's almost there, though! Your sink tap had better be sturdy because he's gonna be grabbing onto that now and hoisting himself up.]

If I knew I wouldn't be in here.

[Deadpan. Because. Seriously =|]


yun made me deblaisesque July 5 2010, 22:18:00 UTC
[Juuuust when he thought he was done with random people falling out of nowhere to keep him company. And this time? Ganymede's reaction is entirely the same, a disdainful glance towards Atsuro and then a shout towards thin air.]

Apollo! Stop sending me these weird things! I don't want the company of whatever moron you find off the street!


<3 soleilesque July 5 2010, 22:26:36 UTC
[Suddenly, a god! And he's just going to lol at you in mid-air now.]

I found him off a mountain. Doesn't that make it more interesting?


lmao. pffft. 47_l0w July 6 2010, 00:35:25 UTC

.....................Doesn't know what to think. A demon...?

He's just going to be letting his head fall back before. Flipping his shit when he hears Apollo's words.]

How the hell is this your idea of interesting!?


deblaisesque July 6 2010, 00:47:31 UTC
[Ignoring you, Atsuro.]

The only difference is that you've dropped off a barbarian stupid enough to venture into a mountain as opposed to a civilian off the streets.


bigassmachete July 6 2010, 00:22:41 UTC
[So today started out like a fairly normal day. Rena woke up, got out of bed, brushed her teeth, got dressed, etc. and now she was heading off to the kitchen to make herself some breakfast.

Except that something was very off about her kitchen today. That something being a random boy stuck in her kitchen sink.

You see something new everyday, huh?]

EH!? W-what the??


47_l0w July 6 2010, 00:36:45 UTC
[Yeah. Something new. Getting stuck in a sink was certainly something new =|]

Th-this isn't what it looks like!

[Bad experience with waking up in girls' houses, okay =|]


bigassmachete July 6 2010, 04:14:46 UTC
[Luckily for him Rena's machete is in the other room and she's not feeling too stab happy right now] did you get in here?


47_l0w July 6 2010, 13:43:53 UTC
[Good, because machetes are pointy >_.]

I really don't know...!



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