Atsuro ☈ 007 - turnips snipe at tomatoes

Jul 05, 2010 17:51

Who: Atsuro and OPEN
Where: Your kitchen sink. Actually.
Style: Either or \o/ (starting in first =3)
Status: your kitchen sink. idek.


[Groaning is a perfectly acceptable reaction when waking up in an uncomfortable position. An uncomfortable position such as being jammed into some place far too small for a nap ( Read more... )

apollo, gareki, rena ryuugu, rita mordio, sain, anri sonohara, atsuro kihara, ken hidaka

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circusmisfit July 5 2010, 22:03:17 UTC
[Blame Apollo for everything. And for this, Gareki has no words. He was just about to head out of the house on another Search-for-Nai quest when he passed by the kitchen and... What the hell.]

No, more like you've got to be kidding me.

[Not angry just... exhausted. What does he even say to this-]


47_l0w July 6 2010, 00:24:48 UTC
[Yup \o/ Oh. Hey. It's you. Just. Mental facepalm goes here.

As well as awkward pushing self out of sink. It is harder than it looks =|]

Believe me, this wasn't my idea.

[Well. At least you're not yelling at him or anything.]


circusmisfit July 6 2010, 00:49:21 UTC
I was hoping you're not that much of an idiot anyway.

[... staring for a moment before he gives in to being a nice guy underneath all that tsuntsuntsunning. Offering a hand now. Just get out of his sink, Atsuro.]


47_l0w July 6 2010, 00:56:23 UTC
[He'll be taking that hand. And pulling himself out.]


...I'll ignore the part about being an idiot.


circusmisfit July 6 2010, 00:58:47 UTC
[Ignoring that thanks, because... he's Gareki. What do you expect.]

I'm not about to think some guy who ended up in a sink is a genius. But enjoy that I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt that you didn't end up in there of your own volition.


47_l0w July 6 2010, 01:10:48 UTC
[Oh so tsun.]

I didn't exactly have a say in it... [Right. Looking around. He'll assume this is your apartment.]

Sorry about this. [Tired. So tired. Damn you, Somarium.] If you show me where the door is, I won't bother you anymore.


circusmisfit July 6 2010, 01:12:41 UTC
Figured. Anyway... I was heading out, so just follow.

[He's got a small albino child to look for. Heading for the door, just come along, Atsuro.]


47_l0w July 6 2010, 01:34:02 UTC

[And he follows \o/]


circusmisfit July 6 2010, 02:05:44 UTC
[And as they venture through the apartment, ignore the robotic black sheep doing housework, Atsuro. Gareki just needed to find something to replace Yogi. He walks out of the apartment, leaving the door open.]

Close it behind you.


47_l0w July 6 2010, 02:53:15 UTC
[...said robotic black sheep is going to get some stares =| But hey, he's seen stranger things.

As instructed, he closes the door behind him.]

Sorry again, and thanks.


circusmisfit July 6 2010, 21:04:08 UTC
[A wave of his hand. Stop thanking him, dammit. Oh, but hold on-]

... before you showed up in the sink, did you see a kid with white hair, red eyes and about this tall? [a hand at approximately Nai's height- short kid]


47_l0w July 8 2010, 20:53:41 UTC
[ make it sound like he wanted to show up in the sink. Sigh.] Sorry, I don't think I have.

I was sleeping before I woke up in, uh, your sink.


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