Atsuro ☈ 007 - turnips snipe at tomatoes

Jul 05, 2010 17:51

Who: Atsuro and OPEN
Where: Your kitchen sink. Actually.
Style: Either or \o/ (starting in first =3)
Status: your kitchen sink. idek.


[Groaning is a perfectly acceptable reaction when waking up in an uncomfortable position. An uncomfortable position such as being jammed into some place far too small for a nap ( Read more... )

apollo, gareki, rena ryuugu, rita mordio, sain, anri sonohara, atsuro kihara, ken hidaka

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insorrow July 5 2010, 22:12:24 UTC

[First Ken wakes up and as soon as he checks the Dreamberry to try and work out what time it is he finds out it's sometime in July. Then he can't find Omi's name in the contact list but can see a video from Aya saying that he's in charge of Nectar now, and while Ken knows what that means he finds he's wondering what the Hell that means anyway. Then there's this crystal... thing by his bed. The fact that he's not at all worried about how it got there or how whoever dropped it there knew to make it look like that in the first place makes Ken feel very worried indeed.

[And then he goes into the kitchen in the hope that caffeine or at the very least a sports drink will make at least some of this make some vague kind of sense and there's a dude in his sink. Not at his sink, in his sink. How is he supposed to fill the kettle now? Seriously, Somarium?




... I'm going back to bed.


LOL. Just LOL 47_l0w July 6 2010, 00:31:37 UTC
[Yes, because filling the kettle is the most of anyone's concerns right now, Ken =|

Struggle struggle goddamn he wants out of this sink - flop. Fail. Oh. Guy whose sink he must be in.

Damn, this sucks.]

Sorry... I'll be out of here as soon as I can.

[If his attempts thus far are any indication... IT won't be anytime soon.]


I aim to please. XD insorrow July 6 2010, 00:53:19 UTC
[Is he stuck?

[... yeah, it's starting to look like this guy is stuck. This is not going to be a good day, is it?

[Ken wonders if he should offer him a hand, then decides - well, maybe not just yet. It must be embarrassing enough to be stuck in the sink in the first place without some guy in his pajamas trying to unstick you. He steps back a bit, leaning against one of the countertops in the vague hope that all this guy needs to get out of the sink is a bit of space. This is probably massively optimistic of him. Ken's good at that.

[As regards being out of there as fast as he can, well. There's an obvious response to that. Might not be entirely appropriate, but... well, this guy's in his sink. Curiosity prevails, as it so often does with Ken.]

How did you even get in there?


47_l0w July 6 2010, 01:06:15 UTC
[...Yes, he's stuck.

Sort of. He's almost there, though! Your sink tap had better be sturdy because he's gonna be grabbing onto that now and hoisting himself up.]

If I knew I wouldn't be in here.

[Deadpan. Because. Seriously =|]


Keywords relevant, sadly. insorrow July 6 2010, 01:15:51 UTC
[Point. But - man, you're in my sink! That doesn't just happen by accident!]

So what, there's someone out there stuffing people into sinks now? What happened, don't tell me Loki's gotten bored again.

Uh... Need a hand getting out?

[... because I rather like that sink tap where it is. And I think you're gonna like it where it is - well, was - if it breaks. Which, uh... it kinda looks like it might do.

[Ken pushes himself upright again and takes a hurried couple of steps forward. He's gonna be trying to grab you under the arms now, Atsuro. He means well, at least, but to be totally honest he has no idea if it's going to do any ultimate good. Or, for that matter, ultimate harm. Ken just doesn't know what else he should be doing and he needs to try and help somehow, right?]


Pfft. Oh Ken, you <3 47_l0w July 6 2010, 01:24:41 UTC
[Trust me, it does =| Well, depends on whether you count "hi a god is being a bastard" as an accident or not.

On the other hand, Loki, huh... A look crosses his face, but it passes soon enough and it's not something he really needs to elaborate on.

...And yeah. Your tap.]


[Well. A surprised look crosses his face when Ken grabs him like that, but hey, it's sorta help, right? Because yeah this isn't an awkward position at all.]

Thanks. Looks like I just need to get out now, right?


insorrow July 6 2010, 01:48:09 UTC
[It doesn't immediately occur to Ken what this might look like to an observer, but nonetheless: here he is standing in front of a sink with his hands beneath another guy's arms, trying to unstick him. And he's wearing pajamas. Seen from behind - or from almost any angle imaginable, actually - this no doubt looks a lot more interesting than it really is.

[It's probably no bad thing Youji appears to be... somewhere else.

[Once he's sure Atsuro's been unwedged a little, though, he lets go and steps back. Yeah, now the guy likely needs a bit of space.]

Yeah, that'd probably be a good idea. Unless you like being in there or something...

[Ken grins. Please don't take that seriously, because I'm not.]

Oh, I'm Ken, by the way. I don't think we met before, right?


47_l0w July 6 2010, 13:42:43 UTC
[Just going to be using that extra bit of space to swing his legs over the counter and hop onto the ground now.

Nah, he's not gonna take that seriously. A small laugh.]

Not really. I'd rather never being in a sink again, ever...

Kihara. Um, Atsuro Kihara. Haha, strange first meeting, huh?


insorrow July 6 2010, 20:38:34 UTC
Well, it's an icebreaker. Nice to meet you!

[Ken grins. Moves over to the-- oh yeah, he'd been going to make coffee, hadn't he? Which meant that now that the sink was free he could...

[Oh. Well. Maybe he should get changed first. It suddenly occurs to Ken that now that Atsuro's out of the sink, the most awkward aspect of this situation's become the bit where he showed up in his pajamas at... well, what time is this supposed to be apart from generally July, anyway?]

Uh... yeah, sorry about...

[Ken makes a vague gesture at himself, taking in his dishevelled sleepwear and his untidy hair, and his grin grows a little awkward. Is he blushing? Probably. He usually is at moments like this. Oh, great. He laughs briefly and selfconsciously, then says:]

... I kinda just woke up. I was gonna make coffee, do you want some?

[Responsibilities of a host and all that... even if the guy was stuck in his sink.]


47_l0w July 8 2010, 20:52:28 UTC
Haha, nice to meet you too.

['sall good KenKen.]

Well, I kind of did show up unannounced... [And probably unwanted among other un-things. Ken was taking it pretty well, all things considered. Huh. The mention of coffee definitely caught his attention here. Really, he should just leave because he couldn't imagine people enjoyed entertaining guests who showed up in their sinks, but. It was coffee. And, well, it'd been kinda a rough week...But still!]

I probably shouldn't trouble you anymore. [SHEEPISH GRIN GOES HERE.]


insorrow July 8 2010, 21:22:14 UTC
[Ken grins back. Cheerfully. Well, can't really be helped and since you're here now--]

It's no trouble, I was gonna make some anyway.

[--and yup, he's already filling the kettle, and he may even be humming a little as he does so, though he'd likely be surprised to be told he was. Looks like coffee is going to be happening regardless, Atsuro. You might as well go with it.]

Hey, you ain't got too far to go to get back, have you? Where'd you live?


47_l0w July 9 2010, 01:38:29 UTC
In that case, thanks! [Yup. Rollin' with it sounds good to him.]

That depends where "here" is...Haha. I live in Hotel Dusk, though, third district. Shouldn't be too far, as long as this isn't the desert or something, right?


insorrow July 9 2010, 11:11:11 UTC
'S no problem, really. How do you like it? You take sugar and stuff?

[Because I do, so I'm going to be getting it out anyway.

[He dumps the kettle down on the side, turns it on. Continues talking as he hunts through the closets for sugar and cups and do they have any sugar cookies or has Youji eaten them all and not got any more because he'd live on caffeine and cigarettes if he could?]

Yeah, this is totally the desert. You got me, I'm actually a sand worm. [Ken turns back to him, grinning and holding a sugar bowl.] Yeah, no. Zephry Pointe, actually. Shopping district. That's not too far to get back, is it?


47_l0w July 9 2010, 16:03:44 UTC
Sugar, yeah.

[Atsuro laughs. You're a cool guy, man.]

Sand worm? Guess this is my first time seeing one then! Hehe, nah, shouldn't take too long. Might as well head to the shops first on my way back...


insorrow July 9 2010, 18:53:05 UTC
[Good thing he's holding the sugar bowl. Now all they need is for the kettle to boil...]

Yeah, most of the others are a bit bigger than me.

[Have another grin, and a nod at Atsuro's next remark. Well, that's one positive. At least the guy doesn't have too far to go. Hell, it possibly even saves him the cost of a bus fare out to the shops if nothing else. Which reminds him...]

I think my roommate ate all the cookies. I can keep looking, but I don't see them anywhere so I guess we're out and he didn't buy any more. Sheesh, he's such a lazy ass.


47_l0w July 12 2010, 00:08:44 UTC
Haha, sounds like you get along well with him. And nah, just coffee sounds good.

[lalala waiting for water to boil.]

So, Ken-kun, right? How long've you been here?


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