simon ☆彡 001

Jan 17, 2010 22:30

Who:  Simon and you
Where:  Somni -- a store with much furniture, in the wee hours of the morning.
Style:  You choose.
Status:  Very open.

[ Simon had been planning to get a few things to make the place he was staying at a bit more livable.  Somewhere along the way, the teen had lost track of time.  After all, the mall was so large, and there was ( Read more... )

gareki, rita mordio, simon lewis, !location: somni, omi tsukiyono (mamoru), ace, heather mason, danny fenton

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Comments 176

circusmisfit January 18 2010, 03:36:44 UTC
[ All is well and peaceful in the furniture store. Except for maybe the faint sounds of drilling at first. Then a couple minutes later, there's just a faint beep. Beep. Beeeeeeeeep. Until finally--


Duck and cover, Simon! There's debris flying everywhere and a tsun jumping down from the ceiling.]


dungeongeek January 18 2010, 03:38:44 UTC
[ Simon had been inspecting the beds at that point with a frown, contemplating just sleeping there, when the couch section had caught his attention.

Bad choice, considering that the moment he arrived there, some form of explosion ripped through that general area. And not just that!

There was someone falling from the ceiling too and --! ... Sunlight in a patch -- OH GOD HE HAD TO GET BACK. DAMNIT. GET BACK.



circusmisfit January 18 2010, 03:44:38 UTC
[Gareki's landing pretty skillfully, and then noticing that someone else was there. He had a few choices.

Choice A) Interrogate as to why they were at the furniture store so early.
Choice B) Strike up casual conversation over the weather.
Choice C) Ask for opinion on what type of couch would be best if this person happened to be a very dedicated sales clerk, not to mention a suck-up to be there so early.

... he went with D) None of the above. Pretty much ignoring you, Simon. And working on brushing the dust off his clothes.]


dungeongeek January 18 2010, 03:46:32 UTC
[ Simon, at that point, had quickly stepped away from any rays of sun and was coughing, debris having caught in his throat. When he lowered his arm from his mouth, he stared blankly at the newcomer. ]

How the hell did you do that? [ And clearly, Simon was fascinated as he spared a cursory glance up at the ceiling and then back at Gareki ]


takatori_heir January 18 2010, 08:10:39 UTC
[Meet Omi. Your normal, everyday, 18-year-old florist. Really. Hey, need to buy some property? I've got a water-front in Arizona I could sell you...]

[*cough* Anyway, Omi needed some things for his kitten, and he wanted to get back before Ken left for his shift at Nectar, so here he was, early in the morning, off to find supplies in the pet store conveniently written into the log as next to said furniture store]


dungeongeek January 18 2010, 20:50:18 UTC
[ Way to go, Dessa. Pfft Would that include a cave anywhere away from the sun? Simon's currently still wandering around through the bed and couch sections, wondering one) how is he going to bring anything back if he does decide to get it and two) ... can he really spend all day looking at this stuff? Then again, there's the entire mall before him, but without Clary, malls don't really have that edge...

Still, he's near the entrance of the furniture store now, testing the buoyancy of the mattresses by seeing which ones will make him bounce back up when flopped upon. ]


takatori_heir January 18 2010, 21:02:07 UTC
[ No, if you're interested in caves, you want to talk to Achmed, not flower-boy. Oh, but wait, Omi's heard something, and is gonna head over to the furniture store, now]

[spots a certain person bouncing on mattresses]

Hey! Having fun?


dungeongeek January 18 2010, 21:14:30 UTC
[ One last bounce and now Simon is sitting on the edge of the mattress, looking slightly flushed from all that bouncing, but nonetheless. ]

Hah, yeah, I guess I was. At least, as much fun you can have in a place like this.


phantomfenton January 18 2010, 08:16:20 UTC
Danny phases up through the ground, appearing inside an empty dressing-room of a nearby store. With barely a thought, two dazzling rings of light blaze into being, flashing light above and below the room's door. Then, completely normal and innocuous, a very tired Danny ambles out, stretching his back with a wince.

"Ugh... man..." he mumbles, more to himself than anyone. After all, he doesn't even know that the mall's not empty. "What a day..."

Still oblivious, Danny moseys on towards an electronics store across the way, not even glancing at the furniture store beside it. (For now.)


dungeongeek January 18 2010, 20:52:02 UTC
Simon, who is still under the impression he's the only idiot to be trapped inside a mall this early, or even the only person who is insane enough to be at a mall at this hour, is inspecting the mattresses. As before, he began testing their 'bounce-rate', which included flopping backwards on them, and seeing which ones would propel him back in the air. Extra points if he landed back on his feet.

Really, though, you could only do much in a furniture store, and the other stores were getting tempting. But then again, windows. Which ones had windows?


phantomfenton January 18 2010, 21:04:14 UTC
Danny stretches his jaws in a jaw-cracking yawn, conveniently still outside of the store. After all, some of the coolest plasma-TVs are on display for the window shoppers, and as sleep deprived as he is, he still knows how to find the good stuff ( ... )


dungeongeek January 18 2010, 21:17:05 UTC
TVs have been known to get up and walk away, Danny. Really, it's all subjective.

Regardless, when Simon hears a familiar voice, he pauses, mid-bounce, and attempts to stand, only managing to halfway trip and stumble off the mattress. Graceful? Something like that. Either way, when he's finally standing again, he straightens his jacket that has crinkled a bit in his activity.

"...Passing time. And testing the bounce-rate of Sleepy's against Empire. You know, all for science and all." Giving a weak little pat to the mattress behind him. "...Yup, they didn't lie. That one's pretty firm."

Frankly, he's a bit embarrassed that he was caught doing something so childish, but then again, it's Simon.


knightofchanges January 18 2010, 10:22:18 UTC
[hey guess what?]

Hm...well this store looks familiar...was it down this way?

[yep. you guessed it. he's lost.]


dungeongeek January 18 2010, 20:53:24 UTC
[ Simon was, at that point in his lovely timeline, inspecting the wardrobes. And for a lack of anything else better to do, he was aimlessly stepping inside them, and then out, and then in. ]

Narnia my ass.... [ Yeah, he's that bored, Ace. ]


knightofchanges January 19 2010, 01:11:28 UTC
[...rotflmao too bad the reference is lost on him. but Ace heard and will now be looking over there]



dungeongeek January 19 2010, 01:13:55 UTC
[ ... And Simon will be falling back against that wardrobe, ... rather, falling into it, because he didn't shut it right. OW. Don't sneak up on him like that -- ]


bookishlion January 18 2010, 20:20:40 UTC
[Hermione's not a girly-girl by nature. However, with Malfoy having strange dreams, she has turned into a bit of an insomniac, so here she is, out and about rather early, her bag hitched up on her shoulder and a book clutched under her arm. She looks incredibly bored.]


dungeongeek January 18 2010, 20:54:44 UTC
[ The furniture store can only provide amusing for so long. Wardrobe hopping and bed flopping got boring, and fast. So he's settled upon sitting on a bench outside the store, tossing a squishy ball back and forth against the opposing wall.

He probably would have been investigating the other stores, but windows? Which ones had windows. That could be problematic. ]


so, i asked this before, but would simon break the 4th wall on this? bookishlion January 18 2010, 22:13:37 UTC
[The noise that bloody squishy ball is making is really annoying her, and she turns to give Simon a piece of her mind. Except, not. Because now she's taking in his features, and she's a little concerned at how pale he is.]

Pardon me, but are you all right?


i dunno if he ever read the books, but he'd have a weird sense of deja vu XD? dungeongeek January 18 2010, 22:34:25 UTC
[ He's very, very pale, yes. And that squishy ball is very entertaining, but he's stopping for a brief moment to glance over at her. When did she get here -- ? ]

Huh? Oh yeah, just ... trying to pass the time.


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