simon ☆彡 001

Jan 17, 2010 22:30

Who:  Simon and you
Where:  Somni -- a store with much furniture, in the wee hours of the morning.
Style:  You choose.
Status:  Very open.

[ Simon had been planning to get a few things to make the place he was staying at a bit more livable.  Somewhere along the way, the teen had lost track of time.  After all, the mall was so large, and there was ( Read more... )

gareki, rita mordio, simon lewis, !location: somni, omi tsukiyono (mamoru), ace, heather mason, danny fenton

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phantomfenton January 18 2010, 21:04:14 UTC
Danny stretches his jaws in a jaw-cracking yawn, conveniently still outside of the store. After all, some of the coolest plasma-TVs are on display for the window shoppers, and as sleep deprived as he is, he still knows how to find the good stuff.

That's not to say he's exactly quick on the uptake, though. IT's a few moments before he realizes his browsing has taken him right past the store's last TV display and on to some weird furniture store's TV tables examples. Danny gives them a zombie-like stare for a full three seconds, before noticing movement in the area beyond. He looks up, a little more alert. "Huh? Someone here...?"

Yes, there is. And not only that! It's someone he knows, too! Danny thinks it over, glancing back at the TVs, before shrugging. "Those'll still be there in a minute..." he mumbles to himself, already walking for the furniture store's door. Simon, hoever, might not be, if he waits too long.

A few seconds later, and Danny's worked his way around the wardrobes and bookshelves to finally come into view. "Hey--uh, Simon!" Danny grins, watching him bounce. "Uh--what're you doing?"


dungeongeek January 18 2010, 21:17:05 UTC
TVs have been known to get up and walk away, Danny. Really, it's all subjective.

Regardless, when Simon hears a familiar voice, he pauses, mid-bounce, and attempts to stand, only managing to halfway trip and stumble off the mattress. Graceful? Something like that. Either way, when he's finally standing again, he straightens his jacket that has crinkled a bit in his activity.

"...Passing time. And testing the bounce-rate of Sleepy's against Empire. You know, all for science and all." Giving a weak little pat to the mattress behind him. "...Yup, they didn't lie. That one's pretty firm."

Frankly, he's a bit embarrassed that he was caught doing something so childish, but then again, it's Simon.


phantomfenton January 18 2010, 22:07:36 UTC
True. They also float away, but that's not the point!

Danny snorts and grins at the attack of clumsiness, crossing his arms. When the guy has finally pulled himself together, Danny walks over to the matress, looking at it.

"Nice. It doesn't look very bouncy, but I guess 'science' doesn't lie." Usually. Danny rolls his eyes a little, plopping down onto a neighboring mattress.

To his surprise, he bounces without trying. "... Huh. You're right--these do have a bounce factor." As descreetly as he can, he bobs up and down a little more. "Why're you testing these out, anyway? Are you looking for a new bed, or something?


dungeongeek January 18 2010, 22:28:37 UTC
Now that Danny wasn't mocking him or anything, Simon's tense shoulders relaxed. He scratches the back of his head, as if having to seriously ponder that question. "Yeah, I guess, sort of," he admits as his hand drops and his shoulders fall down into a shrug. "The guy I was living with here kind of just ... up and left, so to speak, so I've been looking for a new place. And it probably won't have that much in it."

"...Why are you here, then?"


phantomfenton January 18 2010, 23:21:40 UTC
Danny grimaces. "That whole dissapearing thing really sucks," he says, glancing down. He's sincere, but it's a little hard to take him seriously when he keeps sneaking in idle bounces here and there on that mattress.

"Me? Uh... I couldn't sleep, so I was looking for a TV to take back to the Church."


dungeongeek January 18 2010, 23:49:41 UTC
Church. Oh god, why do the simplest things make his throat tighten like that? It's really unnecessary. He nods, though, completely understanding.

"Think there's actually anything good on any stations?" It's an honest question, because really. Are there any stations here?


phantomfenton January 18 2010, 23:59:02 UTC
He snorts, grimace darkening. Without even knowing, his thoughts are mimicking Simon's.

"There probably aren't even any stations at all. They probably have videos, though. I mean... Come on, they've got to have them. Why sell TVs and stuff if they don't?"


dungeongeek January 19 2010, 00:03:49 UTC
"A cheap trick to get people to buy?" Simon jokes and then sheepishly rubs the back of his head. "Which is another thing. Why have a mall when everything is basically, you know, free?"

He laughs as he settles back down, pondering to himself. "Kind of half-expecting another sequel to Dawn of the Dead in a few minutes. First zombie I spot, I'm hauling ass."


phantomfenton January 19 2010, 00:21:08 UTC
He laughs weakly, and then shrugs. "Probably for the same reason that they have 'stores' at all. Placebo effect, maybe?"

"Heh, I'll be running befre you." The boy looks around, frowning at the otherwise veeery silent mall. "... You're kind of right, though this place is a little creepy when it's empty.


dungeongeek January 19 2010, 00:30:17 UTC
"Possibly. It'd make a lot of sense."

Simon sits up, glancing out the main door of the furniture store. The lack of people working still nags at him. It seemed a bit reminiscent of some horrible sci-fi show.

"More like a lot of creepy."


phantomfenton January 20 2010, 02:20:51 UTC
"Yeah," Danny agrees, though not with much feeling. After all, he's kind of used to the emptiness, by now.

After along moment he literally bounces to his feet, putting his hands on his hips and turning back to face the mattress. "Have you decided on one, yet? Hey--if you want, I could help you carry it to wherever you're staying."


dungeongeek January 22 2010, 04:23:08 UTC
And that in itself was a dilemma.

"I'll probably wait for awhile. You know, mull it over for a few days," Simon said with a casual shrug. "Can't rush these things, you know. These couch-decisions... "

He trails off, growing more awkward by the moment.


phantomfenton January 23 2010, 06:23:18 UTC
"Yeah, I guess not," Danny says, before shrugging also. "Well, if you need any help then, the offer still stands."

After a moment he sits back down. "So, uh--why now? I mean--I'm here because I can't sleep, obviously. Is that the same with you?"


dungeongeek January 23 2010, 06:37:46 UTC
"...For the most part."

He felt a bit bad lying, but it was all for the greater good, he figured. Wasn't that something that had been drilled into his head in one of those classes? Economics or something, about the Greater Good outweighing individual advantages.

"Better than hanging around a boring apartment all day."


phantomfenton January 24 2010, 05:07:00 UTC
"Tell me about it." Danny flops back onto the mattress, amusing himself with the bounce once more. The lie doesn't seem to have registered, so Simon's secret is about as safe as Danny's, for now. "I mean, I don't get to do that much these days, what with all the crap going on right now, but I know what you mean."

"... Hey--if we both wind up bored like this again, want to have another DS-tournament?" He pushes himself up on his elbows, looking over at Simon. "I mean, I don't have mine with me right now, but some other time."


dungeongeek January 24 2010, 20:45:48 UTC
He had temporarily been zoning out on a piece of furniture a few bounds away. His mind had drifted off on other topics and whatnot, so when Danny's voice reaches his ears, he blinks and looks back over. Almost a bit embarrassed, too, for spacing out like that.

"Yeah, sure, why not. I'll warn you though; I've been honing my skills a lot when I'm not testing mattresses." He smirks some and then shrugs.


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