simon ☆彡 001

Jan 17, 2010 22:30

Who:  Simon and you
Where:  Somni -- a store with much furniture, in the wee hours of the morning.
Style:  You choose.
Status:  Very open.

[ Simon had been planning to get a few things to make the place he was staying at a bit more livable.  Somewhere along the way, the teen had lost track of time.  After all, the mall was so large, and there was ( Read more... )

gareki, rita mordio, simon lewis, !location: somni, omi tsukiyono (mamoru), ace, heather mason, danny fenton

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circusmisfit January 18 2010, 03:36:44 UTC
[ All is well and peaceful in the furniture store. Except for maybe the faint sounds of drilling at first. Then a couple minutes later, there's just a faint beep. Beep. Beeeeeeeeep. Until finally--


Duck and cover, Simon! There's debris flying everywhere and a tsun jumping down from the ceiling.]


dungeongeek January 18 2010, 03:38:44 UTC
[ Simon had been inspecting the beds at that point with a frown, contemplating just sleeping there, when the couch section had caught his attention.

Bad choice, considering that the moment he arrived there, some form of explosion ripped through that general area. And not just that!

There was someone falling from the ceiling too and --! ... Sunlight in a patch -- OH GOD HE HAD TO GET BACK. DAMNIT. GET BACK.



circusmisfit January 18 2010, 03:44:38 UTC
[Gareki's landing pretty skillfully, and then noticing that someone else was there. He had a few choices.

Choice A) Interrogate as to why they were at the furniture store so early.
Choice B) Strike up casual conversation over the weather.
Choice C) Ask for opinion on what type of couch would be best if this person happened to be a very dedicated sales clerk, not to mention a suck-up to be there so early.

... he went with D) None of the above. Pretty much ignoring you, Simon. And working on brushing the dust off his clothes.]


dungeongeek January 18 2010, 03:46:32 UTC
[ Simon, at that point, had quickly stepped away from any rays of sun and was coughing, debris having caught in his throat. When he lowered his arm from his mouth, he stared blankly at the newcomer. ]

How the hell did you do that? [ And clearly, Simon was fascinated as he spared a cursory glance up at the ceiling and then back at Gareki ]


circusmisfit January 18 2010, 03:51:04 UTC
[Returning that blank stare, inwardly thinking 'What a ninny'.]

I'm surprised. People can normally recognize the aftermath of a bomb, especially if they were present for the actual explosion. Good job on being slow on the uptake.

[Holding up what looks like a detonator before stashing it back in his jacket pocket. Back to ignoring you now, let's have a look at those couches.]


dungeongeek January 18 2010, 03:53:10 UTC
[ He resists the urge to facepalm, because that's not what he meant, Gareki, and just shuffles his hands awkwardly into his pockets. ]

No, I meant the jump. That's like something from the Matrix. Or... some level eighty jump.

[ Just glancing thoughtfully at the ceiling and -- okay, no time to geek out. Looking back at you. ]

Uh, couldn't you have just come in the door? It's not like anyone else is actually here.


circusmisfit January 18 2010, 04:00:04 UTC
[Matrix. Level eighty. What language are you speaking. He's ignoring the first question because it's really obvious how he managed it. Experience.]

The door wouldn't have let me check if my explosives were working.


dungeongeek January 18 2010, 04:05:32 UTC
[ And now he's staring blankly again before laughing awkwardly, because seriously. ]

A wall probably would have been easier, still. [ A pause. ]

...You don't seem like the type to be in the market for a new bedding ensemble, so why are you here?


circusmisfit January 18 2010, 04:16:19 UTC
[Wall makes less of a dramatic impact. He tested that out at the castle. Not to mention he didn't want to get out of practice.]

We'll see what you think when you have enough skills to start stealing.

[And he's ignoring the second question! It should be obvious by how he's looking at those couches.]


1/2 dungeongeek January 18 2010, 04:18:08 UTC
Hey, my skill set back home is --

[ Trailing off, because geeking again. Shutting up for a moment as he watches the other, and then realizes -- he's staring at the couches. Very thoughtfully. Wait a second. How... ]

You're stealing a couch?


2/2 dungeongeek January 18 2010, 04:19:04 UTC
How are you going to carry that?

[ Couch = large. You, not so much ]


circusmisfit January 18 2010, 04:22:59 UTC
With help.

[Vague answer. He really means that he's going to call some of the robot sheep he made and stashed back at his cottage. Feel free to misunderstand.]


dungeongeek January 18 2010, 04:27:12 UTC
[ He'd pay to see that. ... And probably would want to take one home, but that's beside the point. Have a Simon misunderstanding, and kind of giving a flat look. ]

What? You mean me? Sorry, but I kind of have an issue with leaving right now.


circusmisfit January 18 2010, 04:40:36 UTC
[Glancing back at Simon, before scoffing.]

I doubt I can rely on you for this.

[In his mind, Simon is the equivalent of a pansy. He's pulling out yet another device from his pocket, pressing a couple of buttons to call those robotic sheep.]


dungeongeek January 18 2010, 04:42:01 UTC
[ Oh okay, he wasn't asking him. Simon is going to go back to looking at the couches that aren't destroyed, because really -- but wait. What's that in his hand. Another -- ]

...Another explosive? [ o.o Kind of just sweat-dropping, hand on the couch, looking very scandalized and nervous. ]


kyudousha January 18 2010, 04:49:00 UTC
[No. Not another explosive. Explosive, yes, vaguely pissed as hell, definitely, but not exactly prone to spontaneous combustion at the push of a button.

One minute, she's charging in on a galloping sheep, and another, she's sailing through the air with a spinning kick aimed straight at Gareki's head.]

I'm so gonna make you hurt-



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