Cornelia ¤ 8

Mar 13, 2009 12:53

Who: Cornelia li Britannia, Raven
Where: Espoir, Altosk Tavern
Style: Third
Status: VERY closed unless you enjoy getting shot at

Cornelia stormed down the street that led to Schwann’s tavern looking beyond enraged. Her usually bright lavender eyes had darkened into a deep purple, and in some lighting might have looked very near to black. She was clenching her jaw so hard that there was a dull aching in her back gums and the nails of the hand that curled into a fist at her side had already bitten into her palm. Her other hand clutched the sword-gun that was in its usual place at her side against her hip bone. Her gaze had a clear purpose: she was out for blood.

I can’t believe him! What the hell is he thinking? That was... that was too much! Oh god, if her brother (Schneizel) had seen that, she would… she really would kill him. Cornelia’s face was red for many reasons, but most of all embarrassment. She had thought the bathing suit was bad, but after the scene change, and then the… things that had transpired. Her stomach tightened, causing a small tremor to appear in her abdomen. “Tch! What an asshole!” She had seen people having sex through her Dreamberry before, but NEVER herself.

Her emotions were unreasonable. One moment, she wanted to knock down a building with her fists and the next she felt like crying. It was just too embarrassing. She only hoped that no one else had seen the last part. Dammit, she had never even done half of the things that had happened in THAT part. Cornelia pushed a hasty hand through her bangs as she stalked up to the entrance of the tavern, the CLOSED sign only making her temper flare even more.

She was beyond polite entries at this point and instead of opening the door in a conventional manner, she kicked it. When it flew open, the lower half of it fell off of its hinge as it hit the wall with a loud bang. “RAVEN!” She was calling even before she had stepped inside. “DO NOT MAKE ME LOOK FOR YOU!”

raven, !location: espoir, cornelia li britannia

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