Sep 01, 2010 00:21
I suppose you could say I went on a date tonight. A very chill, very spontaneous date. Essentially I decided that I was starving to death and needed to make an Arby's run post haste. I ran down to the old apartment to see if anyone was there who wanted to come. No deal. So then as I was walking back towards my car I ran right into Dimples. I invited him to come along and he agreed, with the provision that he wasn't going to get any food. So, with a brief stop by his apartment to pick up the book I lent him a while back, we headed off to Arby's. Turns out Dimples is as silly as I am. Not only did he go along with all my silly little bits, but he also came up with some of his own. Like when I handed him my drink to hold and he took off the lid to take a drink and I said "you are NOT drinking my root beer!" "But it might be poisoned! I am trying to save your life!" And then when I hand him the straw and tell him I need him to place it in my beverage "and then in my mouth...It might be poisoned also. I just want you to be safe." I laughed a lot. Then we headed home and when we got here we just sat in my car and ate our fries. Cause he totally got fries, against his assertion that he wasn't going to get anything. When I say we sat and ate fries what I mean is that we at some of our fries, and threw the rest at each other, including a few ketchup packets. My car is going to smell like french fries for a long time. I also cranked up Aha's "Take Me On" and made him belt out the chorus with me, after which I promptly choked nearly to death on a fry. He blamed it on the poison in the straw. Cause see, if I think I'm choking on a fry then I'm not gonna sue the straw manufacturing company, am I? It was altogether a pleasant little outing. It was nice laughing that much.
On the other hand, the semester has started again and with it comes Tuesday night swing lessons. I don't think I have ever regretted going to the Tuesday night lesson. For some reason there is always a very special atmosphere about Tuesday lessons. Its very bracing. I see all my dancing friends and we all remember how much we like each other. It was just lovely to get that back. And Bear was there. I have discovered something magical about Bear. Do you want to know what it is? See, the thing is, as I was explaining to a fascinated Orchid the other night, I am you classic obsessive personality. As bad as it gets without crossing over into actual mental illness. Hence, when I tell you that every thought that goes through my head has some reference to the Fella, you know that I am speaking literally. In response to Orchid's increulous...ness...I told her that I pretty much constantly feel on the very edge of unhingedness. It is only with constant effort on my part (exhausting effort, ps) that I keep the mental references mostly glancing. Mostly. But this is the magical thing that I discovered about Bear. I don't think I've ever met anyone quite so comforting as Bear. And when I'm around him my brain goes back to working like a sane and rational person. As in, I can have normal thoughts about normal things and they don't all come back to the black hole of the Fella. I wish I could spend more time with him. The thing is, I've always thought of Bear as a guy well worth spending time with; however, the few times I've attempted to instigate anything in the past he's seemed less than interested. Certainly not rude or unkind. Just that he's busy with his own life and he doesn't seem overly concerned trying to fit me into it beyond where we overlap with dance. But he was there tonight and again, I just soaked up how comforting he is. And then I let him vent to me about some of the dancing elitists we have here, which he seemed to rather need. And then he gave me a ride home. I asked him, at one point, how come we never hang out outside of dance and he said something about being a man and compartmentalizing his life, plus he keeps himself occupied most every night so that he doesn't just languish at home, which doesn't often leave a lot of time for spontaneous hang outs with people. But he said we should throw a party one of these days. Bear is very big on parties. I really do wish I could spend more time with him. We don't even have to date (though I wouldn't be opposed to that) I just enjoy the respite that his presence gives my exhausted brain. And I'm coming to view his hugs like a very addictive sort of pain medication. I LOVE them. Can there be any more marvelous sensation than being enveloped in a just slightly squshing embrace? Good thing he is so generous with them.
In other news, school has started and classes are...classes. Also, I don't think I've mentioned that I've moved. Just to another apartment in the complex. I'll tell you all more about these things in another post. For now I need to go to sleep. I have to miss my second day of classes so that I can go to work at 8 in the morning. Blech! Oh well...
social outings