Aug 28, 2010 01:55
Guess what I did yesterday? And by yesterday I mean Wednesday night, but I was supposed to have written this post yesterday, when Wednesday WAS yesterday. Anyway. I made homemade pot-stickers. Well, technically Link made homemade pot-stickers and I just helped a little bit. I chopped some stuff, mixed up the guts, and then crimped. I would just like it to be known that I am a master crimper. A pot-sticker artist, if you will. We made them with leeks, cabbage, pork, soy sauce, sesame oil, and oyster sauce. I was feeling whimsical so I convinced Link to get purple cabbage when we went to the store and then the rest of the evening, any time something went wrong (or especially right) we blamed it on the cabbage. Link even made the skins from scratch. And guess what? They turned out perfect! I mean, little jewels of deliciousness with this translucent skin (through which you could see little peeps of purple that really forwarded my tendency to call the filling "guts") that exploded in your mouth with flavor and juice and pure awesome. This is just how awesome Link is. I invited Orchid to come make them with us, but she has a gluten intolerance so I told her to bring her gluten free flour. Link managed to make really fantastic dumplings (albeit rather unorthodox ones) using it as well. I mean it, I have never eaten anything so amazing. Annie, you need to come home and defend your title of Pot-Sticker Queen because Link surely is giving you a run for your money. I took a picture with my phone and I'll post it as soon as I get it OFF my phone. You will be so impressed. We made repeated jokes about Link's innate Japanese cooking ability. Like when I told him I needed more dipping sauce he motioned to the stuff I would need and I said "yeah, but I know the proportions." "Neither do I! I just guess" "Yeah, but you're Japanese!" It was a really fun night. Every time Link would say "oyster sauce" or "sesame oil" he said it with this hilarious lisp. I have to say, Link has turned out to be one of the funnest people I know. And even better, he and my brother seem to have hit it off together quite well. I think Link is Brother's favorite of my dance friends. He says that Sancho is a weirdy.
Speaking of Sancho, I sure do like that guy. A week or two ago he posted a status on facebook offering lunch to anyone who would give him a ride to go pick up a new little baby chinchilla, so I told him I was game. We drove down to Santaquin and picked up little Pepper Pots (super cute and snuggly and TEENY!) and then headed back to Provo where he treated me to some truly fantastic Korean food. I realized, after I left him that day, that I really really appreciate the friendship we have. We've hung out a few times now and I have gotten to know him pretty well. I don't think I've ever met a more thoughtful caring guy in my life. Sure, he can be a ditz now and then, but his heart is most definitely in the right place. And I love how we can go get lunch and be absolutely chill. And I absolutely adore when he gets in his giggly social mood. When he gets in a group with people he feels comfortable with he can get so silly and he'll just start giggling in this adorable way. He's absolutely hilarious. Yes, I quite like Sancho.
And speaking of guys who I just love, it's been a while since I've talked about Spitz. He's rather dropped out of sight for quite a long while due to his injury and his continuing efforts to deal with it. Imagine my surprise, then, when I should return home last Wednesday night (the one nine days ago, not two) and see him sitting there benignly in my banana chair. He'd come for the Wednesday lesson, it would seem. I've not seen him since Betty's reception. He was doing his level best to stay in a good mood and he was talking to everyone. I had to wait my turn, but I finally got to have a nice conversation with him that turned into me walking him home so that he'd make it safe and sound (and not get dizzy and fall over somewhere). I know some people find him to be odd and even insincere, but when he says things to me like "Clem, you don't settle for anything. You are beautiful and smart and you have so much to offer to a guy, you deserve the very best." it sure does mean a lot to me. As I told Orchid, it's not that I want him to want to date me. It's just to be told--by a man you understand--that I'm beautiful. How can I not love him? And how can I be cynical about it. Sure he may be a drama queen and sure he may be rather confusing and full of non-sequiturs, but I believe him anyway. I love him anyway. He needs people who just love him and don't just humor him.
Anyway. Enough about the eternal increase of my platonic guy friends. It sure is a talent of mine, but just now it really only serves to depress me somewhat. Lil' Brudder and Kandy are officially dating. I can see exactly why they are perfect for each other and I wouldn't be surprised if this turns into Lil' Brudder's first serious relationship in quite some time (alas, Kandy is going on a mission soon so it can't get TOO serious...I'm starting to agree with the Fella and Brother that it is ridiculous when girls go on missions and cut off promising relationships). Unfortunately, while seeing all of that, I also find that the two of them bring out in each other all the things I find most annoying about them both. Not the worst in each other. Just the things that are particularly annoying to me. So I have started avoiding them when they're together.
In other non-friends related news, work has been insane recently. Back to school is just as crazy as Christmas time around here and we have certainly been feeling it. I have worked every single day this week. I was supposed to have Thursday off, but one of my co-workers came to me asking if I would cover part of her shift while she had class. See, school starts for everyone this week and next and we're all scrambling to fix schedules that weren't made with new availabilities in mind. Though she couldn't help me with MY overlaps, I did feel like I owed it to the cosmos to help her out since I could. So that meant no day off. I went in today and as soon as I walked in I just hit a wall of apathy. This week has burnt me out. And I still have one more day. The worst day, because I'm going to have to close and find some way to deal with all that stuff. At least I don't have to work Sunday. That's when all the crap that has been piling up every night is going to have to be dealt with. I don't envy whoever gets that job. But speaking of my job, I was reminded again oh how much I hate it. I suppose I must admit to pride here, but be that as it may, the fact is that if once you are respected as an expert in your area (even in some place so lame as a retail store) it is indescribably irritating to suddenly go back to being treated as though you have no idea what you're doing. My new boss treats me like this. Every time I talk to her I get the vibe that she thinks I'm a terrible employee. I hate that feeling. I hate feeling as though I need to prove something.
My eyeballs are feeling less than happy and my eyelids are closing of their own volition. I guess if I think of anything else that needs updating I'll have to do it tomorrow. Before I go to work. Ugh!
social outings