Lena: talking fast to self Oh no, another performance review! And for this one I have to write a clever post for
soliefriends! Can't I use one of my old performance reviews? No, no, that would be boring. I have a technical paper to write and present for work due already. Now this. I feel like I'm in High School and my Term Paper is due and I haven't even started it. Now its like two term papers. I think I'm having an anxiety attack. Finally the other characters remember that I exist and now I have to prove that I should exist. I wonder if it was that d@m# monkey's idea. And now I hear from Blinky that there won't even be any cookies!!! Or raises either. Of course the raises aren't hard to believe. I've never seen a penny from this blog anyway. That d@m# monkey gets paid to write here. D@m# monkey. Oh and now I'm using profanity. That can't be good. Who is this TPTB anyway? I've never heard of him or her. I shouldn't say that. It might make people think I don't follow the blog closely enough. But I do. I do. TPTB...I wonder if its that guy with Tuberculosis....hmmm. Sounds like if I kiss up to Takis he might have some influence on this TPTB. But I don't play golf. I like Yachts though...maybe I could get on that yacht with TPTB. No, too late for that. Its already 1:30 am on Saturday. He's gone. Or maybe She's gone. Whoever it is, they are gone now. Plus I'm not that good at sucking up to people. Plus who wants to suck up to a guy/girl who has Tuberculosis. Not me. Oh no! What if they read this post and think its my re-audition post for the performance review? Then I'm really sunk. Sunk....what if the yacht sunk this weekend? Would there still be performance reviews due if TPTB was lost at sea? I wonder if everyone saw the season finale of LOST. That was cool. Its hot in here now. Even though it was hot outside I never got around to opening the windows and it stayed cool in the house all day until now. Thinking about it, most of these blog characters have never even written their own blog posts here. Other people write them in as part of their own posts. Does that count? Do these people get to stay in the blog just because Blinky and Emma write about them? Or will they have to write their own posts to pass the performance review? If they don't does that mean that we can't write about them anymore in our posts either?